It’s Embarrassing For A Grown Man To Be Doing These 14 Things
“Relying on his wife or girlfriend to do all the housework/cooking he can’t be bothered to do (or learn how to do); treating her like his mom (but with sex). Deliberately half-assing it when she asks him to do something, in the hope of not being asked to do it again (and not having to pull himself away from his video games again.)” — coffeeblossom
“Giving other men shit for showing emotion or crying. Men deserve to show emotion without people shaming them for it. If you’re a man shaming another man for expressing emotion… you’re doing shit wrong.” — puddlespuddled
“Playing video games and breaking things and throwing a fit when you lose (I think any age can play video game but wtf as a grown adult are you throwing tantrums because of a game).” — Sufficient-Ratio-408
“Not being able to admit you are wrong when shown. Doubling down on something just because you don’t want to be embarrassed is middle school shit.” — JFeth
“Talking about how tough and macho they are in response to a real or perceived conflict. ‘I would’ve knocked that guy out for looking at me that way.’ Yeah that’s not impressive or cool in the least.” — ThaLunatik
“Denying the words they spoke five seconds before.” — awkwardly-confused
“Having a superiority complex, thinking that whatever they say is correct and everyone around them is dumb. I think it’s more rude than embarrassing but whatever it’s annoying.” — LostPossession-
“Not knowing (or be willing to take initiative to learn) basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries, etc.” — Rude_Giraffe_9255
“Being unreasonably grossed out by periods. Like I can get them being gross in the equivalent of taking a shit because they’re both essentially just waste products but if you’re embarrassed by someone minding their own business and just carrying a box of tampons then that’s just fucking weird. You don’t get embarrassed when buying toilet paper and a tampon is a sanitary product just like toilet paper.” — dinosanddais1
“Going to college/high school parties in an attempt to fool himself into thinking he is still young.” — TiredLumberJack88
“Being not just incorrect, but wildly so, about a woman’s reproductive system. Google exists. Stop quoting to the shit you and your friends heard when you were 12 and go look up the answers. Especially if you have a daughter.” — SisterYahtzee
“Bullying people for looking/being different. Especially bullying young men for not being ‘masculine.’ It’s embarrassing at any age, but more understandable when you’re young, because you actually don’t know jack shit about the world and different people. But people who still do that when older show that they’ve chosen ignorance.” — LufasaMufasa
“Road rage. I’m talking to my wife on the phone, laughing with her and this idiot behind me gets out of his car and confronts me because he thought I was laughing at him for getting cut off in traffic. WTF?” — paulvs88
“Not washing themselves properly. Body spray ain’t a shower in a can, fellas. Please, for the love of God, USE SOAP.” — Tatertails