15 Men Share The Subtle Red Flags Women Should Watch Out For In A Man
You’ll be able to tell if a guy is nice by how he behaves. If a guy tells you he’s nice, ignore that. That’s meaningless.
A friend of mine dated a guy who apparently everyone wanted to fight.
At the gym. “This guy over here want to throw down.”
At a mall. “Those guys look like they want to get hit.”
At the grocery store. “This dude is looking at me like he wants to go outside.”
No Steve. No one feels like fighting you. You are just on steroids.
Don’t trust a man who can joke about others but can’t take it.
Any aversion to taking responsibility.
The older I get the more I find that the men I respect most aren’t the ones with great achievements to theirs names, but rather the ones who aren’t afraid to own their shit.
When you have to cater to his needs/wants over your own with no compromise. It can be something as only watching shows that he wants or doing things only he wants to do or ordering takeout that only he likes.
If anything happens to him and he always shifts blame to someone else, or something else, or the situation, that is a big red flag. Sooner or later everything will be your fault.
Also, if their story, complaint, rant, or explanation sounds too one sided, (again unable to take blame themselves) they are lacking empathy… red flag.
So, about his last 3 relationships and why they ended. If it is always the girl was crazy – it’s him, he’s crazy.
Many many men only know how to “relationship flirt”. They will say things like “im looking for something long term” when really they just want to hook up.
If a guy is doing the minimum of what you want in a long term relationship at the beginning, it’s going to be well below your standards after a few years.
I would expect about half of what you see in the first year.
If they behave like they know everything. Change is certainly not their cup of tea.
If he starts throwing tantrums over petty things, there is worse on the horizon. He’s not passionate, he’s unstable.
When they don’t respect the word no, even in the most benign of circumstances.
I’m coming in late but this is something I’ve tried to teach all my daughters. Men will show you how they feel with their actions. If they say they care, but don’t put in the effort, listen to the actions. Not the words. Good advice for dating but also good advice for life really
If he isn’t on the same level of maturity of you, regardless of age, don’t go for it. one of you will turn into the parent.
When someone is declaring multiple times they are not a certain way without prompt, they are actually that way.