4 Zodiacs Who Think Everyone Hates Them
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Worry Everyone Secretly Hates Them

Some zodiacs are brimming with confidence. They know their worth and assume that the people around them recognize it as well. But other signs are a little more pessimistic. They are worried that everyone around them, even the people who claim to care about them, secretly hate them. Here are some zodiacs who think they’re being judged at all times:


Cancer, you are incredibly sensitive, which is why you take every little thing to heart. If someone changes their tone ever so slightly or says something that can be misconstrued in any way, then you will assume that they meant you harm. You will automatically think the worst of them — because you are convinced that you don’t deserve their love and attention. But you do. You need to work on raising your confidence so that you don’t end up pushing good people away, so you don’t end up in misunderstandings that fracture the relationship. Your loved ones want you to trust them. They want you to feel like you can be yourself around them. If you’re always worried about being judged, then you’re never going to relax enough to let your guard down and really let others in.


Scorpio, you are naturally pessimistic — and that’s okay. You aren’t going to be able to train yourself to be an optimist overnight. And some pessimism can be healthy. It can keep your standards realistic. However, you don’t want to assume the worst from every person and every situation or you’re going to end up miserable. You need to have some hope too. You need to stop assuming you know what is going on in other people’s minds. Unless they’re saying something nasty to you outright, there’s a good chance you might be misinterpreting their actions.


Not only are you an overthinker, but you have trouble accepting when good things happen to you. You’re always looking for a reason to be upset — and you usually find one. But if you want to be happier, you need to stop searching for problems, stop reading deeply into everything that other people say to you. Even though it might feel like everyone hates you, you need to take a look at your life and ask yourself if that’s really true. Aren’t there people you can count on? People who ask you to hang out? People who are happy to hear from you? Logically, you know this fear of yours is not true.


You’re a cynic at heart, so you’re always worried that the people around you have ulterior motives. When someone treats you nicely, you wonder what they want from you or whether they’re trying to manipulate you. You have trouble accepting that others can be kind simply because it’s the right thing to do. Even though there are always going to be people looking to hurt others, you need to remind yourself that there are good people in this world too. People who love you. People who want the best for you. People who aren’t trying to do anything other than make a connection.