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4 Zodiacs Who Could Use A Hug This Weekend (Jan. 6-8)

All of us could use a hug at some point in our lives, but that’s especially case right now for these four zodiacs. Whether they’re going through a rough time or could just use a bit of human contact, they’d be better off with some comforting arms around them. Look for your sign below.


You’re the type who insists you’re fine when you might actually be struggling. You put off the energy that you can handle the world by yourself, but here’s something you’re probably slowly realizing: Everyone needs help sometimes. And, for you right now, all the help you really need is a bit of physical human connection. Luckily, you’re bold enough that if you really want something, you’ll ask for it. This weekend, when you see friends or family, ask them for a big hug. Heck, you could go down the line and hug everyone you see. (With their permission, of course!) It’s totally okay to need a bit of contact every now and again–it doesn’t make you weak.


If you’re being honest with yourself, you kind of always need a hug. You just don’t always ask for it because you don’t want to be “too much.” You’re aware that you’re often experiencing some big emotions and you have the danger of being the annoying friend who’s always crying about something. Remember that your true friends will be there for you, even when times are tough. Plus, asking for a hug isn’t the same as unloading all of your deep and complex emotions for hours on end. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, Cancer.


Listen…being the mysterious enigma is cool and all, but it might be holding you back. You pretend you don’t need anyone, and choose to be the dark brooding type than the one full of smiles and hugs. Even the inner goth babe likes a hug sometimes. And after a rough and exhausting holiday season, you need it this weekend more than ever. If you have a hard time tearing down your walls enough to get a hug, just ask someone in your inner circle. They likely won’t judge you. Heck, they may even feel privileged for being the one you open up to.


You’re the one who wants a hug all the time, always. What holds you back sometimes is your acute awareness of the comfort of the people around you. You don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, so you sit there itching for a hug but never asking for it. You’re not the only one out there that likes human contact and physical touch, though. Find out who in your life is a hugger and keep them in the rotation. It’s always nice to have those people you know who are down to embrace at a moment’s notice, no matter the reason.