Valuable Tips For Navigating Your 20s
“Don’t be afraid to change direction. Yeah, you went to high school, then maybe did some college, tech school, training or whatever and thought that was your direction. But if you finally get a job, and you’re not happy, work to change that shit immediately. Spending your entire work week being unhappy just because it pays the bills will not make you happy. The longer you wait to change, the harder it will feel to change. So get used to change, because you’ll probably need to do it a number of times throughout your life and career.” — turkoosi_aurinko
“Don’t waste your time on a-holes. Friends, bosses, exes, anyone who is an a-hole is not worth one second of your time. They will not be with you in ten years. You will drop them and kick yourself for not doing it sooner.” — phish_tacos
“It’s just as easy to meet the right person at the wrong time as it is to meet the wrong person at the right time. You might set out to save the world, but it’s okay to save one person. It’s also okay if that person is you. Become aware that every person around you is fighting a secret battle you may never know anything about. Only being nice to people who can return the favor doesn’t make you a nice person.“ — HolySimon
“Don’t get caught up in the cycle of buying expensive things to keep up with the Joneses and impress people. People in their twenties seem to want it all NOW. Don’t fall into that trap.” — Keetlady
“As you get older, time goes by faster, and it seems like there are less hours in the day. Make good use of that extra time you don’t even know you have. Be lazy, be social, goof off, have fun, for sure. But also keep learning and growing in the things that make you feel your best, the things that make you feel alive.“ — jseego
“Forgive yourself. Kicking yourself over past failures won’t change what happened, it will just leave you sore from being kicked so much. Give up all hope for a better past. Own who you have been so it doesn’t own you. This really applies to all ages, but it’s a skill that takes a while to develop so you might as well start young and really figure it out. I haven’t met many people under twenty who have taken it to heart but I have found a number of people in their twenties who are really starting to get it. I’ve also met people in their 80’s and 90’s who still don’t get it and are filled with regrets.“ — techniforus
“Don’t talk yourself out of doing things you want to do. Don’t let fear win. If you want to vacation in Europe, do it. If you want to talk to that hot girl/guy at the bar, do it. If you want to start your own business, do it (and do the research first). Getting to your 30s and having a string of regrets is going to haunt you.” — Bhruic
“Travel when you can. It helps you understand that there’s a lot more to life than just your small corner. Try and read a few books a year. Look at what interests you and also what’s popular at the time. Books are a great way of starting conversations and expanding your knowledge. Build upon friendships. There is more to life than going out every night. Stay at home with close friends. Go on adventures together. That being said, don’t be afraid to end some friendships. Fair weather friends are not worth your time. Stay loyal to those that truly matter and invest your time with them. Call your family. Stay in touch as often as you can. Go to them for advice. Save money. Make sure you have a retirement plan in place. Try and put away a certain amount of money each paycheck for your own personal savings. Don’t compare yourself to others. In the social media age, it is tempting to beat yourself up if your friends are getting married, having kids, and living a life of luxury. We each live our own lives. The only thing you’re going to do is hurt yourself. Spend time with yourself. This is the time when you can truly get to know who you are. Life will be overwhelming at many points. Remember to breathe and think how in the future, this will be something to laugh at.“ — hstrygeek1
“Don’t burn your bridges. Personal, work, whatever. There will be times when you will need to be amiable with people from the past for various reasons and the last thing you need is someone saying ‘Fuck that guy’ because of something petty or stupid that could have easily been avoided.” — Rohri_Calhoun
“Keep your mind sharp. Learn to do something creative, artistic, or just keep reading and learning. You may be out of college but that doesn’t mean you should just let that go, and you’re in more control now! You can focus on what you find interesting! Radios? Get a HAM license and build some! Music? Go to town, learn an instrument! And depending where you live there can be so many options, but the internet is also your friend with this!” — [deleted]
“Figure out who you are, and learn to love yourself. You’ll be able to handle whatever else happens after that.” — MacQueenXVII