16 Relationship Red Flags You Should Seriously Avoid In 2023
“If they can’t handle themselves when you’re not available. What I mean by that is if you want to go do something alone, and they take that as a personal insult and badger you the entire time you’re doing it. You both MUST be cool with having your own time/space/hobbies without the other one freaking out about it.” — SolidStateStarDust
“They are in a different stage of life than you, regardless of age. For example, you’re ready to settle down and they want to party/hang out with friends all the time. Or vice versa. If you’re not on the same page the relationship is likely doomed anyway. Cut ties early and don’t waste each other’s time.” — LinverseUniverse
“When their interests and life goals turn out to be 100% the same as yours after you have shared yours. Or theirs changes as you talk about what is important to you.” — NeutralAccountPhoto
“Anyone who says they are unhappy with you because you don’t surprise them with spontaneous gifts or dates. These people want a very specific type of relationship and expect you to fulfill the role without being told what that role is, only that it exists. These people are not interested in you. They’re interested in a version of you they made up in their head.” — Full-Air-9374
“If they don’t respect your privacy. I had a guy grab my phone and tried getting into my phone and said, ‘Really, you have a lock?’ I feel that is a red flag. Also controlling qualities. ‘You don’t need to wear makeup.’ ‘You don’t need to do your hair like that.’ ‘Why are your shorts so short? Wear pants.’ ‘Who are you texting?’ ‘Do you really need to eat that?'” — INeverSaidIWasNice
“Propensity to keep talking although it’s someone’s else’s turn, or interrupting, or simply raising their voice. People who in other words just try to talk ‘through’ everyone else.” — Crusty_Dingleberries
“When you are the only one who is always giving in the relationship without it being reciprocated leaving you to feel constantly drained. Just to be clear, it is not the other person’s job to make you feel good, but relationships are about balance. When you are the only one doing the work, time for you to work on yourself.” — AgeOfWomen
“Expecting you to know what the issue is without communicating.” — Winniebearr
“Really jealous. Everyone has a tiny bit or none at all. But people really jealous will make your life hell.” — themustacheclubbitch
“When they say, ‘I really hate drama.’ From my experience it’s been because they create it.” — Historical-Serve5643
“Not accepting the word ‘no’ well. Ignoring boundaries.” — actvdecay
“Anyone who’s overly critical of others. They’re insecure and competitive and rarely happy.” — Miserable-Health8951
“When they tell a story that they think makes them look good but they’re clearly the bad guy in it and they don’t realize.” — boomerangrobert
“When nothing is ever their fault, it’s always someone else’s.” — Tinaaee
“When none of their friends seem to call them on their bullshit. They’re surrounded by yes men/women.” — Classic_Randy
“Lovebombing. Honeymoon phase is real, but when they constantly try to win your affections even when it makes you uncomfortable, nope the fuck out. It will turn into an abusive relationship.” — MamaLynn1996