10 Ways To Make New Friends When Working From Home

10 Ways To Make Friends When Working From Home

“Discord servers are an option. If you’re in the US you could look for a server that’s related to your state that focuses on socializing. If not the US, maybe there’s one related to your area or country. It is likely that people will do bar meetups, but there may be people who would just be interested in other things that aren’t alcohol-related as well.” — mintyfreshsimp

“Volunteer at something you enjoy. You’ll meet like minded people who tend to be pretty nice. It can be anything, food banks, blood drives, just Google volunteers needed near you.” — Flimsy-Attention-722

“Pick up a hobby that’s done in a group, for example learning to play guitar and joining a band, playing football, playing soccer, volleyball, fencing… The possibilities are endless. That sounds weird and out of reach when you’re not already doing it, but you’re literally just a decision away from the journey of getting into something you’ve thought about a lot. And the journey brings contacts, which brings friends. Just call your local tennis club, your local chess club… You just gotta do it.” — FallenHero66

“Facebook groups of local shared interests. I joined a local motorcycle page and I’ve made lots of friends from it. I joined a local metal detecting page that I’m not that active in but people are always looking for others to go metal hunting with. Find a hobby you have and see if there is a local fb group for it.” — revjoe918

“Get a dog and take them for walks. One of the ladies at the book club meeting knows me only as Charlie’s Mum. Charlie being my dog. Because of Charlie (and his younger brother Castiel), I have made 10+ friends in the neighborhood. All from walking them around the area and local park. I know dogs aren’t for everyone. But I go outside more now than ever, I work from home full time and really have a great network of friends who have helped me move, walked the dogs when I have been sick, etc.” — Auferstehen78

“Download the Meetup app and join groups in your area according to your interests. There are also generally social groups on there for most demographics in most areas on there. It’s pretty cool.” — Artsy_traveller_82

“Online gaming. Met so many cool and interesting people from around the world. Sometimes it’s easier to open up to people you may never meet!” — ChEmIcAl_KeEn

“Go outside and start conversations with strangers. You don’t need a site or a club. All you need is to speak to people kindly and politely and talk about something interesting. What is the worst that could happen? Have confidence in the fact that no one else that has ever existed is you and what you can bring to a friendship or relationship is unique and special. You just need to find someone that appreciates it. It can’t happen if you do not try. You got this. Good luck.” — MisterMaturi

“Learn something new! I like classes because they basically make it so that it can’t be awkward if there’s silence, and it allows you to ease in and let friendships happen organically.” — mangorain4

“Reach out to your existing contacts. You may have friends or acquaintances from past jobs, universities, or places you’ve lived who you could reconnect with.“ — eCommerceWebScraping