3 Zodiacs Who Won’t Handle Turning 30 Well
Turning 30 isn’t a huge deal, but it can feel like the end of the world for some signs. After all, society acts like you should have your whole life together by this age. It makes you feel like you should have already settled down with your perfect partner and landed your perfect job and bought your perfect house — but that’s not the reality for most people. Even if you’ve found those things already, growing older can still be rough if you think about it too hard. Here are some zodiacs who aren’t going to handle turning 30 well:
Aries have huge dreams and they aren’t going to stop until they achieve them. The thought of giving up never even crosses their mind on a day-to-day basis. But when 30 is on the horizon, it’s hard not to stop for a second and think about how long they’ve been reaching toward their goals and how far away the finish line still feels. If it hasn’t happened by now, is there a chance it never will? Are they only fooling themselves? Are they running out of time? These questions are going to plague them for a while, but they’ll get through the pain. They’ll remember that they’re strong and intelligent and worthy of achieving everything they’ve been dreaming about. This sign understands that effort doesn’t always pay off quickly. But it might pay off in their 30s. This decade could be the greatest chapter of their lives — as long as they keep trying.
Virgos like to plan out every little detail of their lives. When they were younger, they had a timeline that they were hoping to stick to — but since life is unpredictable, that timeline was bound to fall apart. And that’s not their fault. It’s not because they weren’t working hard enough or didn’t have enough natural talent. However, since this sign hasn’t crossed off every single goal that they hoped to achieve by age 30, they’re going to feel like a failure. They’re going to feel like they’ve let down everyone, including themselves. But they need to remember that they’ve grown so much throughout their twenties. They should be proud of the big, and little, things they’ve accomplished. They shouldn’t discount how far they’ve come because they deserve so much more credit than they’ve been giving themselves.
Leos are a nostalgic sign, so turning 30 is going to make them think about the past a lot. They’re going to get emotional over the people that they’ve lost and the way that things have changed since they were young and carefree and innocent. It’s hard to process how much they’ve been through over the last three decades — and the comparisons aren’t helping. This sign wants to be the best. They want to prove themselves. So it’s hard to look around and see others succeeding in their work or their personal lives when this sign is still working hard to get what they want. It’s hard to feel like they’re falling behind people who have always felt like equals. However, Leos are fighters. They are going to push aside this sadness and have the best 30th birthday ever. They are going to enjoy this year and every other one that comes because they won’t let their doubts get to them.