10-Second Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn By 30
“If you have some fruits that aren’t quite ripe yet, place them in a bag and put a banana in with them. The ripening banana will release a gas that speeds up the ripening process of other fruits.” — reaperN71
“For all my near-sighted friends. If you aren’t wearing glasses/contacts, you can still view distant objects in focus by looking though a tiny hole. Easiest method is just to curl up your finger leaving a tiny space to look through. Extremely limited field of view, but it’ll be in focus.” — mailordermonster
“When calculating percentages, the factors are interchangeable. This means that 50% of 14 is the same as 14% of 50, which can make it quite a lot easier to calculate in your head sometimes.” — Crosschained
“The ‘Rule of 70.’ Want to know how long it will take an investment to double? Divide the interest rate into 70. You are getting 7% return? 70/7 = 10 years to double your money. You are getting 10% return? 70/10 = 7 years to double your money.” — FrankDrakman
“Emotional regulation can be visualized as colors. Stop thinking about specific emotions and visualize them as energy levels. Blue – no energy. Green – appropriate energy. Yellow – too much energy. Red – out of control energy. Keep solutions simple: Blue – rest or activity to increase heart rate. Green – Continue. Yellow – Activity to slow heart rate. Red – Get away from stimuli. It’s magic.” — Cardboard_dad
“Hold an ice cube during an anxiety attack. It’s weird, but it helps.” — TooManySclerosis
“Don’t eat the end pieces (the heel) of a loaf of bread until very last. They keep in the moisture, your loaf lasts longer and tastes better.” — The_Patriot
“If you like ice coffee, freeze coffee in ice cube trays, that way when the coffee ice melts, your liquid coffee doesn’t get watered down.” — Careful-Coyote
“It is very useful to know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver/abdominal thrusts on yourself. If you are alone and choking, make a fist and place it just above your belly button. Grab your fist with the other hand, and lean over a chair or countertop. Drive your fist inwards and upwards aggressively as you thrust yourself into the hard surface. Continue until the piece of food or object dislodges. This can save your life.” — Orion4341
“Your mood changes your posture, but your posture also changes your mood. If you need to feel more confident, clasp your hands behind your head and pull your elbows back, as if you own the place. Do this for 30 seconds to a minute. Research indicates you will be more confident in your interactions.” — Avian_Sentry
“Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging has shown that the brain has little ‘pathways’ that information and dopamine and everything move along. These can form new connections when confronted with novel stimulus, but will reinforce existing connections if the environment is stagnant. In other words, doing things you’ve never done before will prompt your brain to increase the number of pathways inside it, which may help you to develop a new outlook on life or even become more creative. I would like to add: Try using your non-dominant hand, it will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow new ones.” — Pipboypipboycheerio