These 4 Zodiacs Will Be The Most Affected By 2023’s Pisces Season
Pisces Season begins on February 18th and will end on March 20th. What makes this Pisces season different from last year is that Saturn will finally be changing signs and will enter Pisces. While Fixed signs can finally breathe a little, Mutable signs will be in for some surprises because they will see a new side to themselves. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) can expect to be impacted the most during this Pisces season. But don’t panic! This Pisces season is a much-needed boost to get us moving into self-discovery and becoming more emotionally intelligent.
Mars is still in your sign fueling all of these mutable planets as we prepare for Saturn’s ingress in Pisces in a few weeks. The tone for this season will remind you not to limit yourself when fulfilling your hopes and dreams. Saturn in Pisces will test how much you are willing to fight for what you want. Saturn does not want you to procrastinate, and this Pisces season, you will be more organized in your approach to many things. Mars in your sign may have made you feel impulsive, and during retrograde, you may have learned what it means to think before you speak. Mars is now direct, and you may be more diplomatic with how you communicate with others. Pisces season brings structure as well as more empowerment with your expression. However, due to Neptune’s influence, make sure to double-check your facts before making your point to others.
Pisces season will echo the lessons Saturn will bring to us all for the next several years. If you have not learned how to incorporate balance into relationships, you will be in for a surprise this season. Venus entering Aries beginning on the 20th will show you what you have tolerance for and what you refuse to tolerate. With this season, you can find it easy to say no when conveying your needs to others. Although you can be diplomatic, you will be more in control when conversing with others. Saturn in Aquarius has taught you the limits regarding overwork and not taking breaks; you have learned about prioritizing yourself. Now, with the Sun changing signs, you are bringing the understanding and applying these lessons to your day-to-day relationships.
Expect many new challenges with Saturn entering Pisces. As the Sun enters Pisces, you will see how you may change your priorities now. The topics during this time will center around your career and home. You will understand the importance of balance and not letting others get the best of you. You know the value of hard work, since Saturn was in your sign in 2014-2017. Now you need to learn not to get burnt out and to listen to your body when you need a break. You will be more ambitious during this time because you will be focused on achieving mastery. Jupiter in Aries will meet up with Venus in Aries once Venus changes signs on the 20th. These transits will further fuel your desire to succeed and ignite your creativity. If you lack inspiration, you will be in for a surprise. This Pisces season, you will be feeling more aligned and creative. Go with the flow.
Pisces season marks a new chapter for you, with the Sun and New Moon entering your sign back to back just a few days apart. It can feel like a joyful period because Venus will be in Aries on the 20th, bringing more hope and confidence to you from your private space. The New Moon in your sign will be a good time to look ahead toward what you want to accomplish in the next six months. When Saturn enters Pisces, mutable signs will be in for some lessons about time management, responsibilities, and maintaining equilibrium. Saturn might be closing in, but you know you can handle this. During your season, you bring back the focus to yourself. A more popular version of yourself might step out since the Sun will boost your ego and make your aura luminous. Pisceans like to dream big and can get lost in these magnificent dreams. Make sure to create concrete plans to keep you grounded, focused, aligned, and prepared.