
How Every Pisces Should Spend Their Birthday This Year

Happy birthday Pisces!

Pisces — you are the twelfth sign of the zodiac and your spirit is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, which represents the duality of your dreamlike nature. As a water sign, you are known and loved for being immensely intuitive, emotional, and often deeply empathetic.

The human beings in your life admire you for a variety of reasons — you are compassionate and your watery nature never goes unnoticed. You ooze creativity and artistic talent, and you always show up in your partnerships and friendships with an unyielding selfless and giving personality. You have a deep understanding of the feelings and needs of others, and are often quick to offer help or support to those in need. 

You’re an incredibly easy person to celebrate, Pisces. Your intuitive and spiritual nature, dreamy and idealistic personality, and willingness to put the needs of others before their own is deeply inspiring to those around you. You are loved for a uniquely rare combination of sensitivity, imagination, and selflessness, which makes you one of a kind. 

Due to your beautiful dualities, when it comes to your birthday, you may enjoy celebrating your big day in a variety of ways. Some of you may prefer to have a small gathering with close friends and family, while others may enjoy a more elaborate celebration. On the other hand, you may feel most embraced by leaning into your artistic side, honoring your day with activities that incorporate painting, writing, or music.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer — we have outlined a few delicious ways you could spend your birthday this year, Pisces. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to do what feels right for you and to celebrate your special day in a way that reflects your unique personality and values. 

It’s your party, and we know you will if you want to, but we don’t want you crying, Pisces!

Spend time in nature.

Pisces, as a water sign, it goes without saying that you feel a natural affinity for bodies of water. Consider spending your birthday by a lake, river, or ocean. You could go for a hike, have a picnic, or simply relax by the water. If you don’t have access to a natural body of water, you could still spend time in nature by going for a walk in a park or forest, or even just sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. What more could a water baby want on their special day? 

Connect with your spiritual side.

It doesn’t take much to figure out that you are a deeply spiritual and introspective sign, Pisces. You ooze emotion. So, you should consider using your birthday as an opportunity to connect with your inner self. You could start the day with a meditation or yoga practice, or spend time in quiet reflection. Consider journaling, doing a tarot reading, or engaging in any other activity that helps you to connect with your intuition and higher self. You could even make a party out of it, inviting a card reader or a psychic to your celebration, and allowing for your friends to engage in a little mysticism, too. 

Have a creative day.

Pisces, you are creative and artistic in such an innovative and dreamy way, so consider indulging your artistic side when it comes to your special celebrations. You could paint, draw, write, or engage in any other creative pursuit that you enjoy — if it inspires you, and ignites something deep within your mind, you should make time for it. You could also take a class or workshop to learn a new skill, or even spend the day exploring a new museum or art exhibit. Do this alone before a night of celebration, or invite your friends along and immerse yourself in the kind of inspiration you so deeply love. 

Celebrate with loved ones.

You have the biggest heart, Pisces. You are known for being one of the most compassionate and empathetic signs, and you value your close relationships with the human beings your heart has chosen to care about in this lifetime. With that being said, it is important that you spend your birthday with the people who mean the most to you. You could have a small gathering at home, go out to dinner, or plan a special outing with your closest loved ones. Alternatively, you could spend the day doing something special for a friend or family member who is important to you, as this is something that brings you a lot of happiness and fulfillment in your life. Either way, put yourself in a position to be surrounded by those who want to pour love into you, Pisces. You deserve it.

Give back to others.

Pisces, you are incredibly selfless and you care deeply about those in your life, and the communities that surround you. Your biggest driver in life is your capacity to spread your love into this world in a way that is so uniquely altruistic. Therefore, you should consider using your birthday as an opportunity to give back to your community or a cause that you care about. You could volunteer at a local organization, make a donation to a charity, or even organize a fundraiser to raise awareness and support for something that is close to your heart. 

This is going to be a beautiful year for you, Pisces. Buckle up!