The Affirmation Every Zodiac Needs To Hear If They’re Afraid Of Never Finding Love


You’re known for being so independent. You say all the time that you don’t need anyone, that you’re fine on your own, and most of the time you mean it. But even the most independent people need someone in their life to make them feel special. Don’t get caught up in your independence so much that it leaves you without that support.

Tell yourself: Needing someone doesn’t make me weak and I won’t let me independence hold me back from finding them.


You’re often very critical of people, including yourself. If someone doesn’t live up to your high expectations, it could mean cutting them off entirely. While you should definitely have high standards for a partner, make sure that your list is actually serving you rather than holding you back from finding someone unexpected.

Tell yourself: I’m not going to get in my own way when it comes to love. I work for myself, not against myself.


The moment you’re alone for longer than a week, you start to worry that the loneliness will last forever. Remember that most of what happens in your life is temporary. Though you may be single right now, that doesn’t mean you won’t find someone special tomorrow.

Tell yourself: I will get past this moment. Just because I’m lonely right now, doesn’t mean I always will be.


You’ve been told enough times in your life that you’re too emotional. After all that time, you might be starting to believe it. That’s held you back in your love life because you inevitably choose people who downplay or shit-talk your emotions. Quit accepting bad relationships just so you don’t have to be alone.

Tell yourself: There’s nothing wrong with how emotional I am. It’s worth it to wait for someone who understands that.


You start to feel alone when you aren’t getting the attention you need. You thrive on loving acts and grand gestures, so when you’re away from those fairytale romance moments, it can feel like you’ll be living the rest of your life by yourself. But real love is a mix of moments big and small.

Tell yourself: I deserve a monumental romance, both in the big gestures and the quiet moments.


You often have the “I’ll just do it myself” energy. You like things the way you like them, and letting someone permeate your life so thoroughly is a stressful thought. How will they fit in with your routine? But by worrying about that so much, you’re preventing yourself from opening up to the possibility of something new.

Tell yourself: I’ll let go of the reins a little and allow for someone to enter my life and make it a little messy.


You don’t like the way being alone makes you feel. If you have even a moment where you’re single, you take it as proof that there’s something wrong with you. So you try you best to find a relationship as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that means you’re often ending up in the wrong ones.

Tell yourself: Being alone right now means I’m ready for when something amazing finds me later. This is the best thing for me right now.


You’re of two minds. You want to keep yourself safe from people who can hurt you, but you also want to find something special with someone. Of course, those two things can’t happen at the same time. The world won’t end if you let down your guard.

Tell yourself: These walls are keeping me in just as much as they’re keeping others out. Making myself just a little bit more vulnerable will open me up to better possibilities.


You often take a “why bother” approach. You love adventures large and small, and the thought of trying to fit someone into your fun life seems like more work that it’s worth. Then you feel sad that you’re alone. While it might take some time, you can definitely find someone who fits your lifestyle. You just have to try.

Tell yourself: I refuse to give up on love. I can find someone right for me, and there’s nothing wrong with trying to find them.


Your logical, analytical brain sometimes gets in the way. As much as you’d love all your lists and spreadsheets to help you find someone, love doesn’t work like that. Although it can be hard for you, you’ll just have to go with the flow.

Tell yourself: Love is worth letting go of control, even if it’s just a little bit.


You have a storied past. Everyone does. But unlike many of the signs on this list, you use your past as proof of something in your present or future. Because you’ve had relationships fail before, you use that as an excuse for not trying anymore. Remember, failing to try is the worst failure of all.

Tell yourself: I am not my past. Just because I’ve been heartbroken before, doesn’t mean it’ll always happen that way.


While you’re often spoken of in the same breath as Cancer–you’re both full of feelings and emotions–there’s one key difference between you two. While Cancers freely broadcast how they feel, whether they want to or not, you keep your biggest emotions to yourself. That shell is often a tough one to crack, which keeps you far from the emotional connections you need in a partner.

Tell yourself: It’s okay to be emotional with others. Letting my guard down will help me find my true partner.