When Your Soulmate Is A Girl With Anxiety
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to be okay with the concept of anxiety. You can’t fault her for having it. You can’t make her feel like she’s broken or a burden because she deserves someone who sees her worth. Someone who loves her throughout her anxiety, not in spite of it.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to accept her exactly the way she is. You can’t pressure her to change. Support her whenever she wants to leave her comfort zone but don’t force her out of it against her will, thinking you’re doing her a favor. She is a grown person and can make her own decisions. She can decide what is best for herself.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to practice patience. You can’t pressure her to hit milestones too early or open up to you before she’s genuinely ready. If you push too hard, then you’ll push her away. You have to allow her to set the pace without making her feel bad about that pace.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to learn the way she wants to be comforted. Be there for her when she needs you and give her space when that’s what she prefers — but whatever you do, don’t make her feel like a bother. Don’t act like her feelings are an inconvenience. She’s already going to feel this way so if you run away whenever she gets emotional or accuse her of overreacting she’ll stop trusting you with her most delicate feelings.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to be comfortable coming up with a plan. She won’t always want spontaneous date nights out because she would rather be prepared. She wants to know what she’s getting into ahead of time so she can prep herself mentally and physically–planning out outfits and driving directions.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to stay calm when there’s trouble. If you panic, then she’s going to panic worse. You’re entitled to your emotions too, but whenever you can, try to be a calming presence for her. Someone who reminds her everything is going to work out okay instead of riling her up worse.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, don’t underestimate her. Don’t assume she’s incapable of handling hard situations or succeeding in her career, simply because she is dealing with something that you might not quite understand. She can take care of herself. She can withstand much more than you might think.
When your forever person is a girl with anxiety, you need to reassure her your feelings are still strong. Never make her wonder whether you’ve changed your mind about spending forever with her because her mind is going to torture her with a million what-ifs. She’ll feel much more comfortable if you vocalize your feelings frequently, if you say those three little words without hesitation, if your actions match your words.