This April, Walk Away If You’re Feeling Unappreciated Or Undervalued
Your partner should make you feel valued and appreciated throughout the relationship. Not only in the puppy love phase. Not only when they’re trying to win you over. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together because their comfort with you shouldn’t lead to them taking advantage of you. Just because they’re used to you being there for them all the time doesn’t mean that they should stop thanking you for everything you do for them. It doesn’t mean they should grow numb to your work ethic.
Your partner should appreciate you going out of your way to do favors for them. They should appreciate you opening up about your feelings. They should appreciate you setting aside time in your schedule to hang out with them. They should appreciate the big and small ways that you show up for them every single day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
You shouldn’t have to wonder whether your partner even cares anymore. You shouldn’t feel like they aren’t paying enough attention to you, like they’ve grown bored of you, like they are prioritizing everything else above you. Your relationship should make you feel seen. It should make you feel understood. If you feel like you’re completely alone, even when you’re physically in the same room as your person, then the chemistry is off. And that’s not your fault. A relationship requires two people putting in effort. One cannot carry the weight of the world.
If you feel like your partner doesn’t appreciate the role you play in the relationship, and you’ve discussed this multiple times without coming to a solution, then you’re not with the right person. They’re not your soulmate if you feel like nothing you ever do is good enough for them. If you feel like they couldn’t care less about the hard work you put into making them happy and keeping the relationship strong. They’re not your soulmate if you keep asking for acknowledgment that they refuse to give to you, if they can’t muster up the energy to say a simple thank you.
You’re not asking for too much. All you want is assurance that your effort isn’t being taken for granted. That your person understands how much energy you’ve invested into this relationship. And if you’re not getting that much, it’s okay to walk away. You deserve a partner who makes you feel special. Who appreciates everything you do, even when they’ve known you for a long time and have grown used to the dynamic. You deserve someone who treats you consistently throughout the relationship, not someone who acts like they value you early on, only to change their tune once you feel settled.
Remember, they’re not your soulmate if they make you feel unappreciated or undervalued. If they make you question your worth. If they refuse to acknowledge all of the effort you put into the relationship, how hard you try every single day, how much love you have in your heart that you’re deciding to give to them and only them.