Brandon Stanciell

The 6 Types Of Soulmates You’ll Experience In Your Lifetime

There are some people we meet in this life that ignite something in us. We feel this deep, extraordinary connection to them and oftentimes, they teach us things about life and love and everything in between. These people are soulmates.

When you meet a soulmate, you will feel it. The thing is, though, there are many different types of soulmates we will experience in our lifetimes. Letā€™s get into it:


This is what people often think of when thinking of soulmates.

When you meet a soulmate, you will feel it. Itā€™s as if youā€™ve been waiting your whole life to meet this person. Your connection feels natural. Itā€™s easy. Itā€™s comfortable. Itā€™s (usually) the person you end up spending forever with.


Or, best friends.

You find it easy to be around each other. You understand one another on a level that is so different from everyone else. No one else will ever compare. These people are here for mutual love and encouragement, through all the relationships, career paths, and other major life moments.

Twin Flames.

A twin flame is an intense soul connection. It is believed twin flames are ā€œmirrored soulsā€; we see a lot of ourselves in one another. The idea of twin flames is that our bodies have been split in two with someone and we still share the same soul with them.

The purpose of a twin flame is to teach you something, to challenge you, to guide you through the deepest, most feared parts of yourself. Twin flames force us to confront our insecurities and doubts, but overall, they are meant to help us become the best versions of ourselves.

Thankfully, though, twin flame connections donā€™t last forever. In fact, twin flame relationships are supposed to come to an end at some point ā€” whenever you both are ready for it. Sometimes they come back because you both still have some major work to do within yourselves.


Karmic relationships are just as intense as twin flame ones (which is why they get mistaken for one another), however, they are about cause and effect. This connection is all about learning and growth.

Karmic relationships are wrecking balls, with codependency, unpredictability, and feeling on edge ā€” you two fight like an old married couple with nothing to lose. This connection teaches you things about yourself and the way you are in relationships and sheds light on the toxic habits and patterns youā€™re in.

Soul Crossing.

Have you ever been with someone and it didnā€™t work out, but you felt like it could maybe work out in the future, and you thought, ā€œRight person, wrong timeā€? Thatā€™s a soul-crossing connection.

This could be a romantic or platonic relationship: you two meant something to one another and you will always treasure your time together, but you both understand youā€™re better off apart. Think of the saying ā€œTwo ships passing in the night.ā€ Two people who were meant to cross paths, but werenā€™t meant to stick around in each otherā€™s lives.

Past Life.

Sometimes you meet someone and you feel inexplicably bonded to them. You feel like youā€™ve met or known them before. Thereā€™s something familiar, deja-vu-like about them. When youā€™re with them, you feel at home.

This connection could be romantic or platonic. Maybe in this life, itā€™s romantic, but in a past life, it was best friends who had secret feelings for one another. Or maybe in a past life, it was family and in this one, itā€™s a best friend. This connection is often here to bring us a sense of comfort, familiarity, and even healing.