The Strongest Girls Get Out There And Love Again (After Getting Hurt)

The Strongest Girls Get Out There And Love Again (After Getting Hurt)

The strongest girls aren’t afraid to admit that they’ve been heavily impacted by their heartbreak. They aren’t going to pretend that they’re perfectly fine and suffer in silence, behind closed doors, because they know there’s nothing weak about crying. There’s nothing wrong with being upset over losing an important person they assumed was going to be with them for the long haul. Maybe forever.

The strongest girls get through their heartbreak one day at a time. They understand that there are bound to be setbacks. One day, they might feel completely over their ex. The next, they might see something that unravels them. But that doesn’t mean they are going to be stuck on this person forever. Eventually, they are going to feel okay without them again. They know there’s no such thing as taking too long to heal because healing is a process. Everyone moves at their own pace.

The strongest girls aren’t afraid to spend time alone. They are going to stay single until they are one thousand percent ready to date again. Until then, they will work on loving themselves. They will focus on their dreams and their non-romantic relationships. They will make the most of the single life because there’s nothing inherently better about being in a relationship than being alone. It’s all about how you feel and what you make it the experience.

However, when the time comes and they’re ready to try again, the strongest girls get out there and love again, even though it’s scary. Even though there’s a chance they’re going to get their hearts broken all over again. They are going to use their best judgement to weed out the people who are going to take advantage of their soft heart, but they aren’t going to push away people who seem trustworthy. Who they can picture building a real forever relationship alongside.

The strongest girls put active effort into shedding their baggage. They aren’t going to treat future partners terribly with excuses about how it’s their exes faults for making them this way. They know that the pain they went through wasn’t their fault, but it’s their responsibility to better themselves moving forward. It’s their responsibility to treat new partners with the love and respect they want to receive themselves.

The strongest girls understand they aren’t perfect. They aren’t claiming to know all the answers. But they know that they have a big heart. They know that whoever they end up with is going to be so lucky to have them because they are going to put their all into the relationship. They are going to love this person the way they were meant to be loved.

The strongest girls are going to give themselves permission to feel their pain so they can process it and move on from it–but they trust that it isn’t going to last forever. They trust that real love is out there and it’s waiting for them. It’s only a matter of time until they find it.