10 Times A Guest Actually Objected At A Wedding
Valerie Elash

10 Real, Shocking Stories About Guests Objecting At Weddings

“My best friend went to her aunt’s wedding. Aunt’s future (toxic) MIL whips out proof from Ancestry that they’re actually first cousins. Wedding was canceled, and the bride/groom haven’t spoken since.” — AutumnGway

“This was in America, and the wedding was in a Buddhist temple. Parents of the groom stood up and objected because they didn’t believe the bride was of the same class. They spoke in another language so most of the English speaking guests didn’t know they were objecting. My husband was the best man and those closest to the couple knew this might happen. The Buddhist priest said he would handle it if the parents tried anything. After the parents spoke for a while the priest said to the groom, ‘You’ve heard what your parents had to say, what do you want to do?’ The groom replied, ‘I want to marry my bride.’ So the priest asked the parents to leave. At this point the rest of the guests are clueing in that this was not a nice part of the ceremony, and that the parents were actually objecting, so, as the parents walked out, some of the guests were berating them saying things like, ‘You should be ashamed of yourself’ and ‘How could you do that?’ And even though the groom was not happy with his parents, that was very hard for him to hear. That was 30 years ago. The couple is still married. They have two beautiful, successful children. After the groom’s mom passed away, the groom’s father came around and was involved in their lives until he died.” — Bayou_Mama

“In my cousin’s wedding, her friend said, ‘I object’ because she was not invited to the wedding. She was kicked out of the wedding.” — SuvenPan

“Oldie but a goodie, this happened back in the 70s, this was shared to me by the guy who married my parents. It went something like this: ‘Does anyone object to this union?’ ‘I do! That’s my husband!’ So they paused the wedding, the bride, groom, and the woman objecting went into a small room. The woman who objected provided documentation showing the groom was still legally her husband. Apparently the couple had started divorce proceedings some time earlier but never finished. The wedding was cancelled and everyone sent home.” — linux1970

“At my cousin’s wedding, the bride’s ex showed up and when he stood up to object my uncles grabbed him and carried him out of the church and beat him up in the parking lot. Catholic wedding, of course.” — peewinkle

“A woman, in her 20s at the time, objected to her mom marrying my uncle. So she started yelling, ‘Mom don’t marry him!’ during the ceremony. The ceremony proceeded and some family on the mom’s side lead the daughter away to quit interrupting. I don’t blame her. My uncle was a lying, lazy bastard. The marriage didn’t last.” — Rabies182

“My uncle was getting married. Small, just a handful of family and a minister. I was videotaping. My grandmother was not into it at all. With each line spoken by the minister, she had a cutting, sarcastic response. I could not believe it. It was so unlike her, When that part came up, she said, ‘I object. But does it really matter? They are going to to do it anyway.’ The minister just ignored her and proceeded, business as usual. They were divorced within a year. Wish I had a copy.” — jamesshine

“Went to a wedding where they skipped the objection part because the bride’s adult daughter was planning to object.” — mynameizgary

“The mom of one of the bridesmaids got up and yelled, ‘Yeah I object: You fucking stole him from her!’ while pointing at the bride. I’ve known the groom for a long time and by proxy the bride. I am still very good friends with them. I have never seen her more infuriated than at that moment. The bridesmaid got up from her chair and was like, ‘I’m so, so sorry. Let me get her out of here.’ The bridesmaid and the bride’s stepfather escorted the woman out of the wedding and it continued.” — Husbandaru

“Groom found out that bride was cheating two days before the wedding day. He spilled the beans while exchanging the vows.” — StuntCockofGilead