4 Birth Months Who Give The Best Closure

4 Birth Months Who Give The Best Closure

You can’t always expect closure in relationships. Sometimes, you’re never going to know what went wrong. You’re going to have a thousand unanswered questions and you’re simply going to have to accept that. However, there are a few types of people who are more likely to give you closure. They’re usually born during the following months:


People born in March are generous with their time. They have huge hearts and are always trying to do the right thing, not the easy thing, so they aren’t going to ghost you even if that would make the breakup way less painful. As much as they want to walk away without hard feelings, they are willing to sit down with you and have hard conversations. They’re willing to crack their heart open and be vulnerable about how they’re really feeling and what decisions led to the breakup. They don’t want you to have any questions. They want to give you all the answers you need so you can both move on successfully and discover where you’re truly meant to be.


People born in August couldn’t be fake with you if they tried. Their emotions are written all over their face, so it only makes sense for them to get real about how they’re feeling. When they break up with you, they are going to let you know the truth about why it’s happening. They aren’t going to soften the blow by pretending it’s not you, it’s me. They will give you concrete reasons for why they’re walking away — but they will try to be nice about it. They won’t want to hurt you any worse than they have already. They hope their transparency will help you both in the end, so that they can get everything out of their system and you can rest easy knowing how they really feel.


People born in September tend to think with their heads over their hearts. So when they break up with you, they are going to have reasons. They are going to explain exactly what they believe went wrong in the relationship — but they won’t place the blame solely on you. They will take responsibility for the part they’ve played in the end of the relationship. They won’t be trying to attack you or make you feel bad. They’re simply trying to get the truth out there so you have the potential to learn and grow from the experience. Of course, they’ll want to hear what you have to say too. They won’t want you to be the only one receiving closure.


People born in October aren’t huge fans of confrontation, so you might not get the most truthful answers to all your questions. But they will do their best to explain how they’re feeling. They won’t want to leave without an official goodbye, so it’s rare for them to drop off the face of the earth and ghost you without warning. It’s much more likely that they’ll sit you down and have a long, thoughtful conversation about how much you mean to them — but they can’t picture a future together. Their goal is to make you feel good about yourself while they walk out the door. To make sure you know you’re still worthy of love, it just won’t be from them.