4 Zodiacs Who Should Prioritize Their Heads Over Their Hearts This May

4 Zodiacs Who Should Prioritize Their Heads Over Their Hearts This May

Sometimes, your heart is going to lead you in the wrong direction — but you can’t allow your emotions to cloud your judgement. You can’t make impulsive decisions based on how you’re feeling in the moment instead of taking the time to think through the consequences. Here are the zodiacs who should prioritize their heads over their hearts this May:


Aries, your impulsivity works for you most of the time. It leads you down some exciting, unexpected roads. However, you don’t want to ignore your head in order to listen to your heart. You can still chase after what you want without making rash decisions and taking unnecessary risks. This month, make sure you sit down and take some time to consider the pros and cons of your decisions before charging headfirst in whatever direction your gut is telling you to go at the time. Remember, your feelings won’t always be accurate. And they can change. So before you make any big changes or choices in your life, think about it for a few days. Sleep on it. And if you’re still feeling that way in a few days, then go for it.


Gemini, you’re constantly worried about having regrets, which is why you usually follow your heart. You do whatever feels right in the moment and worry about the rest later. While that is occasionally a good strategy, it can backfire on you. This month, make sure you listen to your head because your heart can be ruled by fear. It can convince you not to take chances that are actually worth the risk because you’re scared of facing rejection or embarrassment. Remember, you are more capable than you believe. If there’s something you want, don’t talk yourself out of it because of fear.


Cancer, you will do anything for your loved ones because you have a huge heart and care about them more than you care about yourself. But you can’t allow them to mistreat you. You can’t let them get away with giving you the bare minimum and making you feel terrible about yourself. This month, lead with your head over your heart. If someone is hurting you, don’t spend any more time on them, even if it causes your heart pain. In the long run, you are going to be thankful that you broke free from them. You are going to be proud of yourself for choosing the logical option over what your heart temporarily wanted once upon a time.


Libra, you usually let your heart get the best of you. You forgive people who don’t deserve it and give them chance after chance because you’re thinking with your heart over your head. But this month, you need to take the facts into consideration. Ask yourself whether the people you’ve been surrounding yourself with are actually deserving of your time and attention. If your feelings and the facts don’t line up, take some time to think about why that is. Think about what decisions will be best for you moving forward.