Jakob Wandel

4 Subtle Signs Of Disrespect In A Relationship You Should Never Ignore

While some forms of disrespect can be blatant (i.e. yelling, name-calling, belittling), there are other, more quiet types of disrespect in a relationship that can be just as damaging. Here are four subtle signs of disrespect in a relationship you should never ignore.

1. Demanding fights to be resolved immediately (even when you are clearly still upset).

While it may initially seem “romantic” that your partner wants everything to be smoothed over right away, it isn’t. It is more likely that they want resolution for self-serving reasons. For example, they could want to alleviate any guilt they’re feeling or they may not be willing to do the work necessary to actually resolve the conflict. The truth is that a person who truly respects you will give you an appropriate amount of time to process a disagreement and cool down before making amends. Expecting or even demanding that you to forgive and forget when you’re not ready to do so shows that they view your emotions as less valuable or important than their own.

2. Always putting off tough conversations.

When a tough subject as it pertains to your partnership comes up, they always change the subject or say something like they “aren’t in the right headspace” to talk about the matter at hand. While it’s absolutely okay if they just need to take some time to think before talking about the issue, it is disrespectful if they never follow up on the problem and brush it under the rug instead. This could mean they don’t take your or your relationship seriously enough to get through the uncomfortable conversations that are necessary for a healthy partnership.

3. Never being on time.

A partner who is always running late is disrespectful because it signals that they believe that their time is more valuable than yours. It also shows that they aren’t willing to prioritize and accommodate what is important to you. Time management is a basic part of being an adult. If they run on time for everything else but not for you, this is a major red flag.

4. Making decisions that concern you without your input.

Taking initiative is one thing, but taking control is something completely different. If your partner is constantly making decisions that concern you (such as your Friday night plans or shared financial matters) without your input, this is disrespectful because it shows that they don’t value your opinions. It also shows that they aren’t considering how their choices will impact you at all because they’re only thinking about themselves and what they want and what works best for them.