I’d Rather Be Alone

I’d rather be alone than be with someone who doesn’t treat me with respect. We’re partners. We treat each other like we are in love, and not like one is more important than the other. If he doesn’t respect me, who I am, what I do, or my boundaries, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than compromise on my dreams. I have very specific wants and needs for the future. They sit fully formed in my imagination, waiting to be made real. I won’t accept someone standing in the way of those dreams. If he wants to change my future to suit his desires, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than ignore the red flags. I won’t be caught up in the beginnings of a romance, living the “love is blind” cliché. I will listen to my gut and break it off if the red flags start stacking up. I won’t use a fear of being alone to keep me in a relationship that’s bad for me. If his red flags are blazing, like a parade of bad intentions, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than with someone who doesn’t like what makes me weird. The right person will mesh well with my eccentricities. He won’t mind that I narrate my life aloud sometimes, or sing an impromptu song about what I’m doing. If he finds my endless movie trivia annoying, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than keep making the same mistakes. Each relationship has been a learning experience. I don’t want history to repeat itself. I don’t want to settle like I’ve done in the past. I don’t want to set aside my own comfort for the comfort of another like I’ve done in the past. If I can’t avoid my prior pitfalls, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than in a shitty relationship. I’m happy alone. I’m not happy in a relationship that isn’t filled with love and hope and mutual respect. So many fear the prospect of being alone. I won’t lower my standards to succumb to that fear. If I can’t be in a loving and beautiful relationship, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than with someone I don’t love. Going through the motions isn’t for me. Since I’m childfree, there’s no excuse to “stay together for the kids.” I only have space in my heart and in my life for those I love. Anything else should be sloughed away. If we aren’t in love, I’d rather be alone.

I’d rather be alone than accept anything less than something astounding. I’ve seen the storybook romance in real life. Real life couples who went through terrible relationships until they finally found each other. They’re a perfect fit. Now they know what real love can be like. If I can’t have that, then I’d rather be alone.