4 Zodiacs Who Have Stronger Boundaries Today Than Ten Years Ago
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4 Zodiacs Who Have Stronger Boundaries Today Than Ten Years Ago

Some zodiacs have always had strict boundaries in order to get what they deserve. But other signs have had to learn to erect boundaries over time. They may have settled for less than they deserved in the past — but they will never let it happen again. Here are the zodiacs who have strengthened their boundaries over time:


Cancer, all you want to do is help. You want to be there for the people you love, even if it means sacrificing your own happiness and health in the process. But as you’re growing older, you’re finally starting to realize that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. It isn’t something you should feel guilty about doing. It’s something you need to do that you have been neglecting for so long. You are deserving of all the love and kindness in the world, especially from yourself. Even though it’s taken you a while to get here, you are finally putting up stronger boundaries and being mindful of the way others are treating you. Your standards are higher than ever, and soon, you’ll be happier than ever.


Virgo, you’ve been a people pleaser for most of your life. You always want to keep everyone around you happy, sometimes at the expense of your own happiness. However, lately you have been starting to change this attitude. Although it’s still hard for you to say no and fall short of expectations, you are prioritizing your happiness above your reputation. You are caring less and less about what the people around you think. Which means you’re raising your standards. You aren’t going to accept unfair treatment anymore. You aren’t going to let others walk all over you anymore. You are finally recognizing your own worth — and making sure others recognize it too.


Libra, you’ve never been the biggest fan of confrontation, which is why you usually suffer in silence. You never wanted to make a big deal out of your pain because you felt like you were equipped to handle it alone. However, you’re finally starting to realize that stating your expectations, your standards, and your disappointments is not asking for a fight. The right people will be happy to hear how you feel. And if someone isn’t going to respect your feelings and rise to your standards, you don’t need that person in your world anymore. Although you’re still not a huge fan of drama, you’re growing more and more comfortable speaking your mind. You know you owe it to yourself to express yourself.


You’ve always thought of yourself as a selfless person — and you still are. However, in the past, you allowed others to take advantage of your kindness. You allowed them to walk all over you in the name of being a good friend/partner/employee/child. But that is no longer the case. You are finally standing your ground and stating your boundaries. You are finally using the voice that you once had silenced. Even though it’s still scary to cut people out and tell them no, you are finally being a friend to yourself. You are finally showing yourself the love you’ve spent a lifetime giving out to everyone else.