Behaviors That Will Chase Him Away
Edward Eyer

16 Behaviors That Will Chase Him Away

“Over-the-top solipsism. That whole ‘I don’t perceive it that way, therefore you perceiving it that way cannot be valid’ mindset.” — UnoriginalUse

“Women who base their relationship ideals on media that showcase extremely toxic/abusive relationships (such as 365 Days Of Summer, The Idol, even 50 Shades of Grey) and get upset when the same level of ‘passion’ is not shown in a real life relationship.” — ELO_Space

“The testing. I appreciate that you have been in previous relationships where someone lied and/or cheated on you but don’t spend your entire single life trying to catch me in some lie so you can have your self-fulfilling prophecy that all men are liars.” — Plzdontshadowbanmeh

“One for when you’re in a relationship: When you’re with friends and they become distinctly less pleasant to you than when you’re alone, like making fun of you and making jokes at your expense which they normally would not make. Have had it in more than one relationship. Like… what is that about?” — Keurosaur

“Loudly empathizing with every cause and group on the planet but treating people in their personal lives like trash.” — Gubzs

“I think not taking accountability is the biggest one. You’ve messed up/were rude/incorrect/whatever, but just doubling down and never apologizing or admitting fault is so unattractive. Just own it and apologize like a grown up.” — K1rbyblows

“The silent treatment. I’ve hated it for the longest time, when you do something wrong and you try to apologize and they say nothing is even worse, just hurtful.” — StxrrVA

“Denigrating and emasculating men who show emotions. It’s honestly one of the worst things anyone can do to another person. Also, using a man’s kids as pawns in disputes, like cutting off visitation because you’re mad at him. Don’t do that, it’s just cruel to the kids.” — GVArcian

“When they think a toxic trait of theirs is cute/quirky. There’s a big difference between being blunt in a respectful way and being a jerk.” — SlightlyCheezed

“Casual hate. Just chill, why are you so upset about everything?” — fantakeaow

“Always talk about themselves and never ask you anything at all so the entire thing just revolves around her, not even like how was your day or are you ok, just always about them and the attention.” — Samylton_22

“Acting dumb for the sake of being cute. It’s not cute. It’s annoying. Shut up.” — tunacatplushy

“Faking feelings/interest/enjoyment/etc to get something out of a guy. Anything that is disingenuous done in a calculated, manipulative way. Very gross.” — Skwerilleee

“When they use social media to badmouth their exes because they know all their Facebook friends will jump to their defense without even knowing the context “ — Effective_Ad_273

“Trying to control what I do, if I wanna hang out with friends it doesn’t mean I don’t love you or don’t want to be with you, it just means I wanna see my friends.” — UniQue1992

“Probably if a woman constantly texts me what I’m doing every 30 minutes. Can’t stand when they say ‘wyd.’ That’s some high school behavoir right there.” — serialkiller24