10 Younger Men Talk About Their Experiences Dating Older Women
Thomas Ronveaux

10 Younger Men Speak About Their Experiences Dating Older Women

“She is emotionally and intellectually mature. Doesn’t play emotional games like a lot of people around my age. Very down to earth and straightforward. Very realistic when it comes to expectations. Very nurturing. Overall, dating older women is a plus” — _TadStrange

Life changing. She taught me ways to please a woman sexually and emotionally. I’m eternally grateful that she saved me from years of clumsy fumbling otherwise.” — unit_101010

“It was pretty great. She was grounded, successful, easy going, and she knew what she wanted and didn’t want from life. Eventually, she decided we weren’t working out as a couple, so she made me breakfast, broke up with me very matter of factly, took me to bed one last time, and said goodbye. It was the best breakup I’ve ever had.” — Aaleron

“I’m 33 and I just started seeing some one who is 10 years older than me. It’s pretty awesome so far, she knows what she wants and tells me what she means. Plus the sex is outstanding.” — Jon__Snuh

“She had been divorced twice and had two teenage girls, I became like a step-dad. I loved her (and her kids) and wanted to stay together forever. She couldn’t ever get comfortable with the age difference. Always worried I would leave her for younger woman or that I would want kids. No amount of assurance could convince her I was serious about staying together. Relationship ended 5 years ago. I miss her and haven’t had any interest in meeting someone new.” — longbeachfelixbk

“She had an established career, had had enough past relationships to know what she did/didn’t want, and was very direct about it, didn’t play any of the bullshit mind games I was used to dealing with. She didn’t care that I was a broke college student, she made plenty of money to take care of herself, we were both just looking to have some fun. Ended up realizing we really liked each other’s company, one thing led to another, and ~10 years later we’re still happily married.” — square_tomatoes

“I found it to be liberating. Both of them knew what they wanted and weren’t bothered to play games. The adjustment was going from someone my own age that wanted a monopoly of my time vs someone with an established life that I fit in to. It was the first clue that what I thought I knew in regards to women didn’t apply. Older women also tend to be much more giving. Especially if they like what you do for them…” — yhpargotohpts

“She had a house with a whole DVD wall of horror movies, which I was super into. She had all the video game consoles and a huge TV. I’d go over and we’d hang out and play games or watch movies. We liked the same things and seemed to get along really well. After two months of dating, she gave me a key to her place. Two weeks later she completely ghosted me. I learned that just because they’re older and have their lives together doesn’t mean they’re mature.” — Walkn2thejawsofhell

“Fantastic. They knew what you need, and won’t bother you unnecessarily. They are amazing and I love all of the older women. Amen.” — kirayuen120

“While a lot of people are emphasizing the benefits of dating (or being sexual with) someone older than yourself, having a partner who is more established, experienced and sure of themselves, can lead to some less desirable imbalances in a relationship. Dating up or down comes with hazards and responsibilities. One being recognizing these imbalances and how they affect the ways you relate to one another and how you communicate.” — Orothorn