4 Zodiacs Who Will Rediscover Their Inspiration This July


You lost your inspiration because it turned into an obsession, Libra. It threw off your equilibrium and got in the way of your ability to function in society. You had that can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think about anything but your passion moment, and while it was extremely productive and inspired, it bordered on manic and wasn’t sustainable. You haven’t revisited this passion because you haven’t reencountered that feeling again. You think creativity needs to be a compulsion, something that is so urgent inside of you that you have to give it an outlet, but it’s always within you. This month you find it in a quiet corner of your room. At a desk or in a chair or on a table. Somewhere in solitude where you can pick it up for a short while and then put it down again, in between meals, before bed, or first thing when you wake up in the morning. The important part is that the rest of your day goes on the same. It incorporates itself into your life without becoming it.


You lost your inspiration, Cancer, because you lost your sense of self. You have gone through so much change in such a short amount of time, that you lost your bearings. The anchors you once used to orient yourself within your world have changed. Some will have failed you. Some you no longer believe in. But this month, it’s time to look around and identify the new anchors you will rely upon moving forward. The people and things and ideas that are sturdy enough to depend on. The things you truly value and deem worthy of reflecting on, of connecting to other things around you, of using to build an entirely new worldview. And from this newfound viewpoint, you will make new observations, you will come to new conclusions, and you will once again have things to say. And finally, you will feel ready to express them.


Scorpio, you lost your inspiration because you lost faith in yourself. You let age get in the way, became too self-aware, and forgot how to let loose. The things you once enjoyed became too serious for you to partake in. They started to feel too competitive like you were no longer qualified to enjoy them. This month you need to reconnect with your inner child who doesn’t care how bad it sounds when they sing in the shower, who doesn’t look in the mirror while they’re dancing and just lets themself feel the music, who journals in a hidden notebook at the end of the day and just lets the stress of the day pour onto the page. There is a you inside who still believes that anything is possible and that you are capable of anything. Take that mentality and let it run wild. Just maybe stretch before you go leaping from the swing set this time. 


Capricorn, you lost your inspiration because you ran out of funds to support it. Your ideas grew faster than your bank account did, but that wasn’t reason enough to give up altogether. You love to execute in the moment, but your hastiness can lead to a low level of commitment. Your side hustle can’t grow to a full-time gig without some hustle. It’s called a side gig because there are other responsibilities you have to attend to. Use those earnings to reinvest in yourself over a longer period of time, and you will see your efforts grow. There is no magic wand you can wave, no instant recipe for success other than sustained effort over time. Keep going, keep doing what you love with the time and money you have available, and bigger opportunities will come knocking.