4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than In A Rebound Relationship
It’s not always the best idea to jump into a new relationship as soon as an old relationship ends. Although your loneliness might tempt you to find someone new ASAP, you don’t want to rush the healing process. You don’t want to pretend you’re in a place to date again when you know it would be a bad idea. Here are the zodiacs who would rather be alone than in a rebound relationship:
Leo, you understand that healing from heartache isn’t going to happen overnight. You aren’t going to jump straight from one relationship to another, even when you have the potential to do so, because you want to give yourself time to mourn your last love. Time to grow used to living without them. You don’t want to disrespect a new partner by getting involved with them too early, when you’re still caught up on your ex. You are an independent sign, so you can handle staying single for a while. That way, you have time to process your emotions and move on from your last relationship instead of entering a rebound relationship where someone is bound to get hurt.
Libra, you are in touch with your emotions. You don’t push the negative ones away or pretend you’re fine when you’re really suffering. You are authentic enough, and courageous enough, to be honest about what you’re going through — at least with yourself, the most important person of all. Since breakups are always rough on you, you aren’t going to jump into a rebound relationship in order to distract yourself from the pain. You would rather let yourself experience that pain so you can process it properly and move on. You don’t want to end up breaking someone else’s heart by entering a relationship before your own is healed. You would rather stay patient with yourself, give yourself some time.
You aren’t interested in replacing one relationship with another. That wouldn’t be fair to your ex. It wouldn’t be fair to your new partner. And it wouldn’t be fair to you. You feel like it’s best to wait a while before jumping into a new relationship after a breakup because you want to give your partner your best self — and you aren’t going to be your best self when you’re suffering. Besides, time alone isn’t the worst thing in the world. It can be therapeutic. It can be relaxing. It can be exactly what you need, especially when you’re dealing with so much pain.
To you, time alone isn’t a negative. You’re happy to have some well-needed space after a breakup. You would rather relearn to enjoy being on your own than jump into a rebound relationship because you don’t need a partner to be happy with your life. You are capable of supporting yourself and finding success on your own. Besides, relationship take a lot out of you. You need some time to rest once one is over. You need time to process all your complicated feelings so you can walk away from the experience as an even better version of yourself.