4 Zodiacs Whose Hearts Are Hard To Crack Open
Some zodiacs are going to come right out and say whatever is on their mind. But others are going to hold their cards closer to their chests. They are going to be careful about how much information they share and who they trust with their secrets. Here are the zodiacs whose hearts are the hardest to crack open, even when your intentions are pure:
Scorpios have trouble trusting others because they know how badly it hurts to be betrayed by someone. They never want to experience this type of pain again, so they are extra careful about how much information they give away. Although you might genuinely want to get to know them on a deeper level, they are going to question your intentions. They are going to wonder whether you’re trying to use them or get something out of them. It will take some time for them to grow comfortable enough with you to let down their walls and open up their heart. It isn’t going to happen overnight, even if you say and do all the right things. It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with them and their comfort levels.
Taurus are too smart to trust you the moment they meet you. Even if you treat them with total kindness and respect, they are going to stay guarded long into your relationship. They are a pretty private sign, so they wouldn’t want to blurt out their deepest secrets too early on, only to find out that you weren’t who they thought you were. This sign is patient and stubborn, so you aren’t going to crack them open before they’re one thousand percent ready. You’re going to need to stay patient with them if you want to learn more about them. You’re going to need to let them set the pace, and accept that they aren’t going to change that pace for anyone. Not even if you’re special. Not even if you’re meant to be together forever.
Aquarius are careful with their hearts because they don’t want pain and heartbreak to distract them from their life goals. They tend to ignore their own emotions because it’s easier to pretend they are heartless than it is to admit to whatever they are feeling. It’s going to be hard to crack open this sign because they are resistant to crushes. Plus, they don’t want to feel pressured by their partner. If you try too hard to make them talk about things they aren’t ready to share, it’s going to have the complete opposite effect and end up pushing them away. Getting to know an Aquarius can be tough because you need to strike the right balance.
Sagittarius might seem like open books because they’re so chatty — but they keep their deepest feelings to themselves. They can talk for hours about their favorite movies and music, but they are going to be hesitant to talk about their feelings. They are going to make jokes to avoid discussing anything real. It’s hard to crack open this sign, even when they feel like they can trust you, because they don’t want to deal with messy, awkward emotions. They want to have a fun time. They want to keep the mood light. Which means certain topics are off-limits. At least, until you really get close to them.