4 Zodiacs Who Should Stop Basing Their Worth On Their Relationship Status
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4 Zodiacs Who Should Stop Basing Their Worth On Their Relationship Status

Your relationship status has no correlation with your worth. You’re the same person post-heartbreak as you were when you were in a relationship. Even though you might feel like everything is different now that you’re alone, your lovability doesn’t actually change. Your value doesn’t actually change. Although you probably know this in your head, it can be hard to accept deep down in your heart. Here are the zodiacs who need to stop basing their worth on their relationship status:


Taurus, even though you are a romantic deep down, that doesn’t mean you need a relationship to be happy. It doesn’t mean you need a partner to feel complete. You are already whole on your own. One day, the right relationship might enhance your life, but that doesn’t mean your life is worthless while you’re alone. Your worth isn’t tied to your relationship status. Think of all the wonderful people you know who are currently single (and all of the less-than-wonderful people you know who are in committed relationships). Although you might have your heart set on finding your soulmate, you hold meaning with or without them.


Cancer, you crave validation from your loved ones — but at the end of the day, the only person who can determine your worth is yourself. And you are the same exact person when you’re single as you are when you’re in a relationship. There’s absolutely no difference, aside from the way you’re viewing the situation, so there should be no change in your worth. Remember, you don’t need a partner in order to achieve happiness and success. You don’t need a partner in order to love yourself and respect yourself. You don’t need a partner in order to feel like your life holds meaning because it already does.


Libra, you love the idea of love, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to crave companionship. It’s okay to go out searching for your soulmate. But it’s not okay to assume that you aren’t complete until that perfect love story starts unfolding. You are just as wonderful when you’re alone as you are when you’re with a partner. You don’t need someone else to see your worth in order to see it yourself. You don’t need someone else to love you in order to love yourself. You deserve kindness and respect from the person in the mirror, whether you’re in a relationship or single.


Pisces, your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your relationship status. Although you might feel more confident when you’re in a relationship, that doesn’t mean your worth vanishes as soon as that relationship ends. And you know this deep down. You’re the first person who will tell your friends they are perfect exactly how they are when they’re going through heartache, so try to do the same thing for yourself. Remember that your value isn’t tied to love and romance. You are valuable, whether you’re happy being single or miserable being single, whether you see your own worth or not.