Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Handle Being Ghosted

Some zodiacs are going to shrug it off when you walk away. They know that you aren’t worth their time or attention if you can’t even give them a proper goodbye. But other signs are going to have a hard time accepting that you walked away without a word. They’re going to be negatively impacted by your behavior for longer than you realize. Here are a few signs who are hurt the worst by ghosting:


Communication is incredibly important to a Virgo. This sign isn’t afraid to have the hard conversations because they are mature and respectful enough to behave like adults. They cannot stand being left in the dark because they believe it’s disrespectful to ghost. They would rather have you do the mature thing and let them down easy, whether that’s in person or even over text. That way, at least they would know where you stood. At least they wouldn’t be left with a million questions about what went wrong and whether you’re planning to return. At least they would feel respected.


Cancers are a sensitive sign, and if you ghost them, they will come up with their own reasons for why it happened. They will tear themselves apart, trying to figure out why you don’t like them and what they’ve done wrong. They will stay up, night after night, replaying every interaction with you until they can figure out why you’re gone. You might think that you’re saving them trouble by leaving without a word, but really, you are putting them through extra pain by ghosting because they’ll think that they messed up. They’ll think that they’re the problem. It’s much kinder to tell them why you’re incompatible or why you don’t want a relationship right now.


Taurus get attached easily. Once they make a home in their heart for you, they aren’t going to have an easy time letting you go. They are going to have trouble accepting that you’re really gone if you ghost because you never said goodbye. They might continue chasing you and texting you and trying to figure out what happened to you because they aren’t sure whether the relationship is genuinely over. They think there’s still a chance. If you want to let them go, you have to say the words. You have to fill them in and be transparent about how you feel.


Scorpios have a hard time letting new people into their heart. If they actually give you a chance and then you ghost them, they are going to flip. They are going to swear off of dating again because this will reaffirm their belief that they cannot trust anyone, that everyone is going to disappoint them in the end. This sign cannot stand the thought of being abandoned out of the blue, so the least you can do is tell them that you’re going. They might not handle it perfectly, but it will be a lot less painful than if you walked away without warning.