6 Concrete Signs That Losing Them Was Actually A Win
Thought Catalog Agency

6 Concrete Signs That Losing Them Was Actually A Win

The end of a relationship could be the beginning of a beautiful new journey. Although you might be in pain in this moment, you need to remember that letting go of the wrong person is going to bring you closer to happiness overall. This is a good thing, even though it might not feel that way right now. Here are some concrete signs that losing them was actually a win:

You have way more time to dedicate to the things you care about now.

When you were with them, so much of your time was spent trying to please them, trying to meet their expectations, trying to be enough. But now that you’re single, you can take all of that time and energy you were investing into them and invest it into yourself. Since you don’t have to worry about their opinion anymore, you can do whatever your heart is calling you to do. You can spend your day however you decide, without anyone around you to judge you or change your mind.

Your worries and stress levels have gone way down.

When you were dating them, you were always worried about them leaving you or cheating on you. You were always worried about upsetting them by saying the ‘wrong thing’ or getting into yet another fight with them. But now, you find yourself relaxing more. Since you don’t have to worry about hurting them or being guilt tripped by them, you’re able to rest and focus on what makes you happy because you don’t have them weighing you down.

You have a clearer vision of what you, yourself, want.

When you were with them, your wants were clouded. You assumed you wanted what they wanted because you were so intent on keeping them in your life. But now that you’re alone, you’re realizing that there are certain things you want (and don’t want) for yourself. You are able to make your own decisions now that they aren’t around to guilt trip you or pressure you into changing your mind to match theirs.

You feel more like yourself than you have in ages.

You had to shrink yourself or change yourself in order to make your ex happy. But now that you’re alone, you don’t have to play pretend anymore. You can be your most authentic self because you’re not trying to impress anyone other than yourself.

Most of your friends and family are relieved.

They knew you weren’t with the best person for you. And they’re happy you finally recognized it and are no longer tied to them. They’re viewing the breakup as more of a celebration than an end point.

You’re open to exploring relationships that feel more fulfilling.

Now that you’re single, you can find someone who actually deserves you. Someone who checks all your boxes. You are free to explore your options instead of pretending to be happy with what was in front of you like you once did because you didn’t want to lose that person. Now, your options are endless. You don’t have to limit yourself or lower your expectations. You can keep them high.