The 15 Hottest Things Men Do Without Even Realizing It
“Stretching their arms above their head, lifting their shirt, and exposing a little of their stomach.” — PropertyofPlayboy
“I like it when dudes take off their shirts. Doesn’t matter the dude’s looks or body or anything. Just the act of it makes me go mmmmmmmm. Not SHIRTLESS dudes, mind you. Once the shirt is off I’m much more particular, but the ACT of taking the shirt off is always excellent.” — SevenCrowsinaCoat
“Probably sounds so silly, but when he actually listens. Like, asks me questions about what I’m saying and does that little lip-licking bite thing. The affirming yet gentle nods. Love it.” — aria_boopxox
“You know when you’re out and about and he just casually opens doors for you or walks on the street side? That.” — Zettz27
“While having a casual conversation, they go: ‘oh, is that so?’ or ‘it’s like that, huh!’ in a tease-y manner, with a smile on their face, and I end up with butterflies in my tummy!” — juniormingo
“My heart does a little flip each time my significant other ever so slightly puts his hand on my back when we’re walking (to guide me), or if he’s trying to squeeze by behind me. I don’t know why that gets me fired up.” — princess19977
“My boyfriend and I went to eat at this restaurant before we knew we had feelings for each other. While I would talk he would either laugh or smile and once while doing so he circled the rim of his glass with his finger. I later found out that he did it unconditionally but I short-circuited while he did it.” — AsasLowkey
“Being booksmart. If I ask my boyfriend a history question and he randomly knows the answer to it or if I ask about a math problem, watching him figure it out is the hottest thing, like yeah you divide those numbers baby.” — maneaterlex
“One-handed steering wheel grip, reverse parking with their arm resting behind the passenger seat.” — getupandstudy
“I find men that show their caring, gentle, and soft side very sexy. Like being gentle with siblings, friends, and animals. They make me feel safe.” — ReiynIsa
“Pausing and thinking before reacting. It’s so hot. A physician I work with always does this and it’s very very attractive” — idkwhattowritelawl
“I think it’s very sexy to see his hands. I always imagine the things he can do to me with his beautiful hands.” — Ok-Essay-2352
“When my boyfriend laughs hard he has this cute laugh! Seeing him so happy and laughing is sooo sexy to me!” — serrotesi
“One time I needed a lightbulb changed and my boyfriend reached up, unscrewed it, and put in a new bulb and I about wet my pants. He could just…like…reach it with no stretching. And he just solved my problem in like 3 seconds. Also, his shirt lifted up a bit when he did it…swoon.” — Wise-Jellyfish-7609
“I love when a guy just… handles something that otherwise could have been pesky or difficult, even if it’s minor. Essentially, taking swift charge without being asked. I’m super independent and even from my personal perspective where I enjoy doing things myself, I think it reads like (a) an act of service and thoughtfulness, (b) a demonstration of capability, and also (c) enthusiasm. That ‘oh, it’s taken care of’ line is just HOT.” — gotafewqs