4 birth months who are the most sensitive to rejection
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4 Birth Months Who Are The Most Sensitive To Rejection

Rejection isn’t easy for anyone to face. Of course, some people handle it with more grace and understanding than others. Although there’s nothing wrong with being sensitive to rejection, you can’t allow it to convince you to stay in your safe little bubble. You need to be brave enough to take a chance on yourself, even though there’s potential that you could get hurt. Here are the zodiacs who are the most sensitive to rejection:


If you were born in February, you would rather remain alone than risk rejection. After all, you are used to doing your own thing. You are comfortable living a secluded life. You don’t personally believe it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. You would rather play it safe and keep your heart to yourself. You would rather avoid rejection by completely taking heartbreak off the table. But although you can control whether you enter a relationship with someone, you can’t really control whether you fall for someone. You can’t really control whether your feelings will get hurt. So you might as well lean into them and risk rejection. It won’t be nearly as bad as you made it out to be in your head. And it may not happen at all.


If you were born in May, rejection is hard for you to stomach because you are a sensitive soul. You take every little thing to heart, so when someone turns you down, it’s hard not to take it personally. It’s hard not to overanalyze the situation and wonder what is wrong with you. However, you aren’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or intelligent or hilarious you are because you can’t please everyone. Remember, even though rejection feels like a gut punch in the moment, it’s a good thing overall because it frees you up to move on and find someone else who fits you better. 


If you were born in July, you are already way too tough on yourself. You’re always worrying that you have done something wrong, even when you are on your best behavior. Rejection is extra painful for you because you feel like it proves your worst fears right — that you are unlovable, that you are a burden, that you can’t do anything right. But your thoughts are lying to you. Just because one person turns you down, it doesn’t mean you’re never going to find love with any of the billion people on this planet. You are going to find your happily ever after eventually. You just need more time.


If you were born in November, you don’t like being told no. It crushes your confidence and makes you feel terrible about yourself. Which is why you commonly convince yourself that someone isn’t worth the trouble before you even have the opportunity to see if they are interested in you too. But you don’t want to end up breaking your own heart by counting someone out too early. You need to be brave enough to risk rejection, even though it sucks. In the end, you are going to feel better about yourself for taking a risk and seeing what happens instead of being too scared to say anything at all.