10 Couples Share The Love Lesson They Learned After Getting Married
“Marriage isn’t just about the person you want to have fun with. It’s also about the person you want to spend $10,000 on a new furnace with, or go to a funeral with, or get a flat tire with. Your spouse should make your way in life easier, especially during the hard times.” — aggressivelysingle
“They say you marry their family. You absolutely do. One day I was a girlfriend, the next I was holding my husband’s grandmother’s hand while she died. I was dragged into family fights the likes of which I’d never seen. I’ve been loved and weaponized and defended like I could never fathom. I laughed at people saying they married the whole family. I was so wrong.” — IHeartChipSammiches
“When shit gets tough is when you know if you’re going to make it or not… a good relationship will really push you to be the best person you can be. A good partnership is where both people continue to try to make it work, they fight for it even when it gets bad. My husband makes me want to be a better person.” — Lettuce-Dance
“Time moves SOOOOO very slow, and SOOOOOOOOOOOOO very fast. I married my wife yesterday. We closed on our first house yesterday. We had our boys YESTERDAY. I finished our basement with my own two hands (and my best friends’ hands) yesterday. We sold our first home yesterday. My father passed away YESTERDAY. My boys started high school and middle school yesterday. I just made an ass of myself tonight and needed to apologize to my wife! (This actually was tonight.) Seriously, everything feels like yesterday, but it is moving by so quickly. I’m just trying to hold on, thankfully she’s here with me.” — pencerules
“True partnership means conflict is inevitable but productive. Part of me knew we’d disagree, but a took some time to know the best way to work through it. It’s not being a doormat and it’s not being right every time.” — d20sapphire
“Bad marriage does way more harm than being alone.” — rosiebunniee
“You spent X amount of years doing things you way. So has your new spouse. Just because it’s not your way doesn’t mean it’s wrong.” — Scucer
“First marriage, lesson learned: If you don’t really like hanging out with the person alone and without electronics when you’re dating, getting married won’t make you like hanging out with them more after you are married. Second marriage: If you like the person you are dating are going to be together either way, the legal benefits to being married are massive.” — Dredly
“Good communication is vital to a relationship. The ability to have a calm, rational conversation over any topic is something to strive for. The trust that the two of you can talk about anything in a safe environment is key. The ability to be honest and open with each other. Communication, y’all. it works.” — agharta-astra
“How hard it is to get out of a marriage. Honestly, when you’re young, you think, ‘Eh, if I hate being married, I’ll just get divorced.’ Let me tell you: it ain’t that easy.” — kindcrow