20 Annoying Things Men Need To Stop Doing (Unless They Want To Be Alone Forever)
“Being asked nicely to do something 20 times and ignoring it, then telling their wife they are nagging when they got angry on the 21st time.” — Ambitious-Candle3751
“Wanting a stunning girlfriend, but being surprised and annoyed that it actually takes them time and effort to make that happen.” — Kindly_Cauliflower_8
“Weaponized incompetence. It’s one of the current buzzwords and not always applied properly, but my man. Friend. You are absolutely capable of learning what clothes size your kid has, when your mum’s birthday is, and what to do when the sink is full of dishes. ‘I don’t see the mess!’ and ‘Just tell me and I’ll do it!’ infuriate me. Stop it.” — WhimsicalError
“Pretending you’re interested in me and then ghosting/rejecting me after we sleep together. If all you want is a hookup just say that!!!” — coffeepluswifi
“Being angry about small things, punching walls and not sorting through emotions, but then saying women are too emotional (as if anger isn’t an emotion).” — Kindly_Cauliflower_8
“Not being able to take criticism. They get so defensive saying ‘so I’m a bad person huh’ and ‘oh so I’m not good enough’. Like no, but learn to take accountability of your actions and behavior. So freaking gross.” — thisshitsucks27
“Dismissing our contribution to the discussion without even giving it honest consideration. So many times had I suggested something to my ex, or told him about a cool new game, movie, anything, just for him to dismiss it and come to me a week later with this ‘new thing a male friend told him about!’ Like, dude, I was literally showing you a week ago and you didn’t even listen. So glad he’s an ex now.” — ShinyTotoro
“Telling you to get a sense of humor when you call them out on being mean. Now I just say, ‘It’s not my fault that you’re not funny.’” — ShinyIrishNarwhal
“Don’t hit on me while I’m at work. I am here working, I am forced to be here on the clock, I am forced to be nice to you. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable I feel, how inappropriate this is to me, and how I am praying that I never have to see you again in my life.” — bonnarooviansoul
“Seeing me as an opportunity rather than a person. OR expecting me to conform to what they want me to be because we’ve both established we like each other. I cannot be what you want me to be just because you want me to be it.” — Boring-Increase3203
“Doing things without communicating with me about it because he thinks he knows what’s best for me or for the relationship.” — adozenredflags
“Chasing women that are fun and extroverted, thinking she’ll somehow change her whole personality and get serious for him, instead of pursuing a woman that would actually be a compatible partner.” — adozenredflags
“Being creepy on dating apps. I don’t want to go from talking about my pets to ‘you’re so sexy’ and ‘are you a good kisser.’” — minikitten
“Acting like women are hella dumb and then relying on us for EVERYTHING. I don’t blame you for being incompetent, but for God’s sake, humble yourself then.” — Inaise
“Not taking ‘no’ for an answer, they’ll respect a line like ‘I have a boyfriend’ more than a no. Some imaginary man gets more respect than women do.” — Ijimete
“Getting upset/aggressive/evil at women for not wanting to have sex after the first date.” — Opposite-Objective86
“Stop expecting to be mothered. You’re a grown ass man, your partner shouldn’t have to tell you what needs done. You have eyes, you can see a mess, clean it up. Clean up after yourself and put things where they belong. Don’t be a lazy slob. Don’t run off with your friends or get on your video games before the chores are done, and sure as hell don’t do it instead of parenting the children you’ve fathered. They’re as much your responsibility as hers. Even if she’s a stay at home mom, you don’t get to just check out when you’re home.” — redditreader_aitafan
“Testing/quizzing women about ‘masculine’ subjects. ‘If you’re a fan, then who was XYZ player in 2005?’ I literally don’t have to prove myself to you.” — Ok-Algae7932
“Hogging the toilet every morning. People keep saying women take a while to get their makeup or whatnot done. But no one talks about how men are always in the damn toilet. Unless if you’re married, or living with one, no one freaking talks about it.” — JuiceDelicious4878
“Stop. Touching. Me. Just say excuse me if you need to get past. There is NO reason for your hands to be on my lower back/hips unless we are doing a partnered dance or you ARE my partner. And get out of the damn way walking three across along the footpath bc there’s only one of me, and I’m not moving because you’re busy being rude. If we collide, we collide, that’s on you.” — Scritches98