4 Birth Months Who Believe In The Power Of Positivity
Britney Watkins (Acme Studios)

4 Birth Months Who Believe In The Power Of Positivity

It’s not always easy to stay positive, especially when life keeps throwing more and more battles your way. However, there are certain birth months who strive to keep smiling through the pain. They are always thinking happy thoughts, even when everything around them is falling apart. Here are the birth months who believe in the power of positivity:


You are a big believer in the power of positivity. Even though you can get pretty upset when you’re alone in your room, you try to be a source of joy and light for everyone else. You try to spread as much happiness as humanly possible. After all, you don’t want to bring anyone else down. You would rather inspire them and motivate them to reach their fullest potential. That’s why you are all smiles ninety-nine percent of the time. Of course, this positivity doesn’t come easy to you. It’s something that you have to work at every single day, but it’s worth the effort. Making other people happy makes you happy.


Positive thinking has done wonders for you. It has reminded you of your worth and lovability. It has pushed you to try new things that most people would be scared to attempt out of fear that they would fail. Although it’s not always easy to stay so upbeat, especially when everything is going wrong around you, you try your hardest to remain positive because dark thoughts are only going to bring you down. You don’t see the point in focusing on the negative because you’ll always find something new to complain about if you let yourself. There’s always a reason to feel upset, to criticize yourself, to worry about the world – but you ignore those urges in order to search for the silver linings.


You believe in the power of positivity, but this doesn’t mean you walk around grinning ear to ear all the time. You get upset, just like anyone else does. The difference is, you try not to dwell on whatever is bothering you for too long. You give yourself permission to feel your uncomfortable feelings, then you work toward a solution. Or, if there’s no way to change the situation, you focus on what is bringing happiness and laughter to your life. You aren’t going to worry too much about things that are outside of your control. You would rather focus on what you can change and appreciate all of the good things that are in your life, on all of the successes you have had, on all of the relationships you have made.


You are one of the most positive people around. It’s not because your life is perfect. It’s not because you are fooling yourself. It’s because you are able to handle failures and hardships with your head held high. You are able to move past the tough times you experienced yesterday and hold onto hope that tomorrow is going to be better. You understand that nothing last forever, not pain and not heartbreak. You keep moving forward because you believe better days are ahead. You believe everything is going to be okay soon.