The 4 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs

The 4 Unluckiest Zodiac Signs

Some zodiacs have all the luck. Others are left wondering why nothing ever seems to work out for them, why they are always dealt such horrible hands, why they can never catch a break. Here are the zodiac signs who feel like they’re the unluckiest in the zodiac, even though there are great things ahead of them:


You feel unlucky because nothing has been going your way lately. Whenever you feel like things are finally looking up, a new obstacle will pop up and cause trouble. Although it might feel like you keep getting screwed over again and again, you need to remember that this world is not actually against you. You aren’t destined to fail or feel this uncomfortable forever. You are going to get through these tough times. You are going to end up thriving. Remember, nothing is permanent. Just because you are struggling today, it doesn’t mean tomorrow will be the same. History doesn’t have to repeat itself.


You feel unlucky because no matter hard you try, no matter how much effort you put into your relationships or your friendships or your career dreams, you keep facing obstacles. You keep ending up getting more stressed piled onto your plate. Although it’s discouraging to face so many problems, especially when they’re arriving one after another, you need to try your hardest to think positive moving forward. Instead of focusing on all of the things that have gone wrong, you need to focus on the fact that you have overcome it all. You have made it through every single hardship. You should be proud of yourself. You have faced more than most people and you’re still standing. You’re still here.


You feel unlucky because it seems like everyone around you is thriving while you keep getting screwed over again and again. But you can’t compare your journey to the people surrounding you. There are people in your vicinity who are going through just as many hardships as you are, but they aren’t sharing it with the world, so you have no idea that they’re in the same boat as you. Although you might feel alone right now, you can’t assume that their life is smooth sailing, just because it seems that way on social media. Everyone is fighting their own battles, so you aren’t as alone as you think.


You feel unlucky because you are letting this tough streak convince you that it’s going to be all downhill from here, but you shouldn’t set yourself up for disappointment. You shouldn’t assume every bad thing that can happen to you will happen to you. Even though you might feel powerless at the moment, it’s entirely possible to make your own luck. Keep putting yourself out there, keep taking a chance on yourself, keep pushing toward your dreams. Don’t let a little bad luck convince you that you aren’t talented enough or intelligent enough to get what you want. You can do this. You simply need a little faith.