/ Vizerskaya

3 Zodiacs Feeling The Renewing Energy Of The New Moon On January 11

There’s a new moon on January 11. With both the renewing energy of the new moon and the numerology of 1/11, this is a great time to look at your life and figure out what needs changing. Typically, in astrology and tarot, the new moon signifies a period of rebirth. It’s the start of a new phase of your life where you shed old trauma or unhelpful thoughts and start fresh. While everyone can benefit from that energy, these three zodiac signs are particularly attuned to the rejuvenation of the new moon on January 11.


While you usually feel comfortable where your life is at any given moment–thanks to your deftness at creating a wonderful home life–that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. As the new moon enters the sky, start thinking about the parts of your life that feel stale. Are they still serving you, or could you let them go. While it might be tough to say goodbye to parts of your life, you’ll feel a weight lifted when you do. Do yourself a courtesy by feeling that much more weightless on January 11 as you soak in the renewing energy of the new moon. Start your journey anew.


You hold onto things far longer than you should. That’s the tough part of being an empathetic and emotional Cancer. Your view is often stuck in the past, which makes it hard to move forward. As the new moon rises on January 11, avert your attention to your present and future. The best way to come away from negative experiences is to slough off the internal wounds and be reborn as the gorgeous phoenix you are. How will you start fresh in this new phase? You’re the master of your own destiny and it’s up to you to find out.


Although you might try to act cool, like nothing is wrong, you hold on to the negative emotions that fill you up when something bad happens to you. If you were betrayed by an ex partner or wrongfully terminated from a job, your pain is simmering just below the surface. Rather than sticking with all that negativity, use the new moon on January 11 to let some of it go. Consider this next phase as an entirely new version of yourself. Would this new version constantly seethe about the past, or would they move forward and on to new adventures?