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4 Zodiacs Whose Next Life Chapter Is All About Reaching For The Stars

It’s scary to push your fears aside and follow your dreams, but it’s better than settling for a life that isn’t making you happy. It’s better than sitting up each night wondering what would have happened if you actually took a chance on yourself. Instead of wondering about the what-ifs, go out and get answers yourself. Here are the zodiacs whose next life chapter is all about reaching for the stars:


In the past, you might have convinced yourself it was best to think ‘realistically’ in order to avoid failure and heartbreak — but you should stop talking yourself out of pursuing your dreams. You should stop playing it safe because there’s a chance things could go wrong, no matter what path you choose. There’s a chance you could fail at the ‘easy path’ too so you might as well reach for the stars. You might as well follow your heart and do something that you’re really passionate about, something that excites you and makes your soul happy. Yes, there’s a chance that you could fail, but at least you can give yourself credit for trying. At least you won’t end up with any regrets in the future.


In the past, you allowed your insecurities to hold you back. You let your doubts talk you out of pursuing opportunities that you were interested in because you didn’t want to deal with embarrassment or disappointment when you ‘inevitably’ failed. But you have stayed in your bubble for long enough. It’s time for you to leave your comfort zone and reach for the stars. It’s time to take a chance on yourself because you have so much potential. You have the ability to succeed, to create the life you’ve always dreamed of living. You just need to have more faith in yourself. You need to trust yourself and trust the process.


In the past, you have tried to keep your goals realistic to avoid disappointment – but disappointment has found you anyway. There’s always a chance you’re going to end up unhappy, no matter what path you pursue, so you might as well reach for the stars. You might as well shoot your shot. What’s the worst that could happen? Even if it doesn’t work out the way you hoped, at least you can say that you tried. At least you can say you’re proud of yourself. Sometimes, the scariest path is the best path. Sometimes, your dreams don’t have to remain dreams. They can become your reality. But that will never happen unless you take a real chance on yourself, unless you give yourself permission to dream big.


In the past, you have let other people dictate your decisions. You have let them determine what your dreams look like. But that’s not the way it works. You can’t follow someone else’s heart. You need to follow your own. You need to reach for the stars in your next life chapter because your life is whatever you make it. You are in complete control. You need to do what feels right for yourself, not what will impress the most people or keep your loved ones comfortable. Follow your passions. Follow your gut. Follow your dreams, as wild as they may seem.