Sergey Kosach

4 Zodiacs Who Should Prepare For A Big Conversation Starting 7/25

If you’ve been considering having an important conversation, these next few weeks could be the perfect time to do so!

On July 25th, Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, moves into the practical earth sign Virgo (one of the signs where Mercury feels at home). Virgo is known for its analytical and precise nature, and when Mercury enters this sign, we are more confident in our words and more intentional. However, Mercury will station retrograde starting August 15th, meaning that conversations that must be had should be met with patience or carefully navigated as the potential for misunderstandings increases. Preparing for these conversations early will make them easier to approach when the time comes.

Check your signs below (Rising, Sun, and Mercury) to see which zodiac signs should prepare for a big conversation over these next few weeks!


What do people need to know about you, Virgo? Mercury is moving through your 1st House of Self and Identity, asking you to redefine yourself in ways you haven’t previously haven’t considered. This could be a time of desiring to express yourself, but it is being met with uncertainty or scrutiny. When the retrograde backspins into your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, it could be even more difficult for you to pinpoint precisely what shifts need to be made. However, this time is best spent reflecting and giving yourself time to process. You need to be able to talk about these things with those you trust, but you may want to try and write out what you want to say before you say it—and give people some grace if they don’t fully understand at first. As long as you keep your head and heart in mind, these conversations may help you figure out what you’ve needed to know this whole time.


With great power comes great responsibility, Sagittarius. As Mercury transits your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you’re experiencing the full weight of trust that comes with authority and leadership, and you feel confident and precise in what you say. However, once the retrograde begins, you could find that the way you speak comes across as more critical than you realize, and it can lead to unnecessary tension between you and others. You may also find that you’re struggling to determine if this is the role you want in the first place. When the retrograde backspins into your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, you feel an even stronger urge to rechart your course in life and pick a new path. In the meantime, you will want to prepare how to discuss these things with people in your life, including those you work with. It can be difficult for people to wrap their heads around why you would consider another path, so take this time to dig into the “whys” of what you’re feeling. Taking time to prepare for a conversation now will benefit you when the time comes. 


What does home look like to you, Gemini? As Mercury moves through your 4th House of Home and Roots, you’re working to communicate with others about getting things in order, including the ways you spend your time at home, which may feel more lonely these days. When Mercury retrograde shits back into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may have more trouble than usual expressing yourself through your words, which can lead to deep frustration on your end. The best thing you can do is consider the whole community around you while thinking about what home is and feels like. If you’re feeling disconnected, it’s time to talk to those in your life about the loneliness you’re experiencing. Finding ways to do this without blaming others could be a great step towards healing.


You could feel your relationships aren’t getting enough of your time, Pisces. With Mercury transiting your 7th House of Partnerships, you start with strong intentions to affirm and assure your loved ones how you feel about them, and you lean into the little things, knowing that details matter. Once Mercury retrograde moves back into your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, it could feel like chaos as your schedule becomes overwhelmed, or you have trouble scheduling things to make time for the important stuff. This could lead to the necessary conversations surrounding how to make time and show up better for the people you care about. It can be easy to become defensive, but use this time to reflect and listen—you’ll have the most progress this way.