Sergey Makashin

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, August 17, 2024

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The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, today, August 17, 2024. With the Full Moon occurring in the next two days, it can be a moment where we are encouraged to contemplate and see what we have endured and learned since the last New Moon transit in Aquarius earlier this year. In the last six months we have all changed and have experienced growth, now we can see how those lessons we have learned were applied. With Pluto aspecting the Moon today, the energy can feel potent since it allows for a lot of personal and emotional transformation to take place for the next several days. See how the transit will impact your Rising, Sun and Moon sign.


The month shines a light on your achievements as the Moon today may have you contemplating switching things up a bit. You could use this transit as a time to see where you need to make improvements in order to benefit from what you have learned during this Jupiter in Gemini transit. Friends could be a good support system as well, since they could inspire and help you on your journey.


The Fixed energy may encourage you to eye something special when it comes to your hobbies or creative goals. You may feel more motivated to search or work on the projects that bring you happiness. Saturnian energy will help you to get more motivated to work towards what you want. This can be a good period to edit and revise your work to bring out the hidden magic in it.


As we prepare for the upcoming Full Moon, this can be a useful moment for reflection and understanding. The year has presented you with a blueprint that will allow you to break boundaries and reach for new heights with patience and diligence. It is also a period where you are able to challenge yourself and see new ways that allow you to shine. The transit is showing how you are gaining momentum in your career or academia. Don’t lose your focus.


Bringing a change to how you view your philosophy can be a manifestation of this transit. It is a period where you may be more flexible with your thought process since your curiosity can help you uncover new things. Jupiter in Gemini has allowed you to ponder and analyze the lessons you have acquired in the past. The transit may also encourage you to take things easy and to meditate when needed. 


A focus now on your relationships with the Moon in Aquarius generating transformative energy to get you to value your independence and power. A transit that may bring you to connect with relationships from the past and see how the impact of it has shaped who you are. The day sets the stage for the energy you will be managing for the next several weeks. A period to open up your heart if you are in a romantic relationship. For those who are single, this can be a transit that brings more awareness to the qualities you seek in a relationship.


The transit is also preparing you for the upcoming Full Moon on the 19th and wants you to be prepared. Utilizing a planner or just keeping track of what is pending can give you the advantage at school or work. The upcoming transit is also allowing you to heal, teach you how to have more patience with yourself and will encourage you to connect with your emotions. There could be energy here connecting to releasing in order to embark on your new chapter.


A potent transit with the upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th highlighting the qualities that make you a star. You are here to find your confidence and rekindle the relationship you have with yourself. The Moon wants you to stop second guessing your abilities and keep pushing, even if you aren’t getting the desired outcome. The same applies to your relationships; a reminder not to settle.


The Moon in Aquarius brings inspiration and curiosity to your world. Before the Full Moon occurs, you can feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable knowing that home is where you can recharge, plan and carry out your plans. You are not afraid to dream big for the next several days because your creative energy can feel powerful during this time. See how you can create something exciting.


Luna can bring some nostalgia as you think about your friendships or relationships from the past. As the Full Moon approaches, this can be a period where you may want to focus on building your current relationships and strengthening them. Pluto’s energy makes this for a dynamic opportunity to make stronger emotional connections and elevate those relationships you have in your life. 


You may feel recharged and prepared to take on any obstacles with the Moon in Aquarius helping you brainstorm. Your ideas flow easily today and it can be an excellent time to write them down and start the draft before you work on something new. Any plans you may have, work on it after mercury stations direct. The next few days encourage you to see your limits and to be practical with your planning.


Once more, the Moon will make a conjunction to Pluto this month and it will bring you a lot of new perspectives that can help you feel more connected with the people in your life. It is a good period to make some progress with projects because you are more willing to collaborate and listen to ideas from others. The Moon in your sign allows you to elevate and get things going in a new direction through Pluto’s influence, giving you courage.


A day to get back to your responsibilities as the Moon in Aquarius gets you back in action and bursting with confidence. Making your plans and focusing on improvement could be beneficial during this transit since you may feel empowered to make these changes. Getting in touch with those you love comes easier today. It can be a fruitful time to spend it amongst friends and having fun.