Felix Young

Horoscope For Today: Friday, September 20, 2024

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Today the moon continues its transit through hotheaded Aries. At 1:25 AM EST, it makes an important opposition to Venus in Libra at 27°, placing emphasis on our inner world and how we use our emotions—either helpfully or harmfully—to navigate our close personal relationships. 

While Venus luxuriates in Libra, the moon certainly doesn’t enjoy being in Aries territory, where tensions are high and everyone is one minor sarcastic dig away from a total meltdown. Keep a close watch on your temper if you’re talking about difficult subjects with your partner, as your tempers are more easily flared under this energy.

Fortunately, it won’t last long, as the moon ingresses into Taurus at 5:03 AM. The vibe shift will be palpable: there will be a larger collective focus on comfort and a more grounded and rational approach to dialogue.

While the moon will spend the rest of the day rejoicing and treating itself in cozy Taurus, the sun in Virgo will trine Uranus in Taurus at 27° all day, reflecting some larger collective themes that will be inescapable. These will undoubtedly surround Taurean themes like money, food, land, and domestic comforts, which the world will be discussing on a massive scale. There may be one specific incident that incites the media into conversation, or it may be a series of shocks; what is important to keep in mind is that it will happen, and it might not happen in the way anyone expects. 

Remember that Uranus, the planet of unexpected happenings and seismic shifts, is currently retrograde, so old topics are likely to resurface right now. If you thought you were completely done with something from your past, such as a job or a relationship, the cosmos might shock you by bringing it right back to your doorstep and offering you one more opportunity to make your dream a reality. Are you familiar with the cliché that once you no longer want it, you suddenly receive it? That’s what we’re working with today.

The finale occurs at 8:17 PM, when the moon makes a sextile with Mars in Cancer, interrupting the brief respite of emotional stability and bringing a potentially volatile energy into the mix. Be wary of indulging in substances that aggravate your hostile tendencies; under this aspect, the collective is much more likely to be triggered and lash out. On the other hand, this is great energy under which to bond more strongly with your partner or take action on a creative project you have been feeling deeply connected to.

This is guaranteed to be a day filled with ups and downs, but if you maintain your composure, nothing too dramatic will necessarily happen in your personal life. If you’re curious how it will play out for you on an individual level, read the following forecast according to your rising sign.


Early this morning, the moon in your first house will oppose Venus in your seventh, giving you the emotional space to process how you give and receive love. Once the moon ingresses into your second house, however, your priorities will be external, with your resources and values becoming increasingly important as the day progresses. The climax will occur this evening, with the final lunar aspect of the day: the moon in your second house sextile Mars in your fourth, triggering volatile emotions surrounding your family’s financial situation. Meanwhile, all day the sun in your sixth house will be making a trine to Uranus in your second, emphasizing the importance of diligence and labor behind the scenes; you can expect radical surprises and shake-ups to your relationship with money in general. If you feel as though you’ve been working hard for a long time with no praise or appreciation, this transit suggests you could experience a major breakthrough. Don’t give up just yet.


As the moon completes its transit through your twelfth house, it opposes Venus in your sixth, putting a strong focus on your mental and physical health. Once it ingresses into your first house, you’ll have a clearer sense of how to take care of your body and your brain in order to maximize your productivity. When the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your third house later this evening, be wary if you’re visiting extended family, as you could get roped into taking sides in an argument that doesn’t involve you. On the other hand, your neighbors could keep you up late arguing. Your local community is likely to be embroiled in conflict in some manner. Meanwhile, the sun in your fifth house makes a trine to Uranus in your first, inciting an invigorating yet shocking change to your physical appearance that will benefit your creative and romantic life. How many of you just happen to have hair appointments scheduled for today? 


The moon finishes off its transit through your eleventh house with an opposition to Venus in your fifth, upsetting the balance between your social circle and someone you’ve been casually dating—or a creative project you’ve been pouring your heart into lately. Once the moon ingresses into your twelfth house, you will likely prefer a quiet night in, choosing introspection over schmoozing. Your social battery is rightfully drained and you deserve some time alone. Later tonight, when the moon sextiles Mars in your second house, the rewards will start rolling in. You will be singularly focused on earning money, and you’ll take the action required to achieve your financial goals. Don’t dismiss your moody and dark side; it might be the very thing that catalyzes your career growth. Meanwhile, the sun in your fourth house trine Uranus in your twelfth gives you the energy to keep a clean and organized home environment. An unexpected jolt of divine insight or a symbol-laden dream might give you the spark needed to start making your home a cozy and welcoming space.


Today begins with the moon in your tenth house, finishing off its transit with an uncomfortable opposition to Venus in your fourth that clearly reflects the disconnect you’ve been feeling between your public-facing persona and who you are in the privacy of your own home. If your partner isn’t making you happy at home, you’re unlikely to show up as your best self at work. Once the moon moves into your eleventh house, you’ll have the opportunity to get out with friends and socialize, gaining some perspective and asking their opinions on how you can improve your relationship—or if it’s even worth fighting for. If nothing else, you’ll be able to distract yourself with a lighthearted Friday night out with some friends. However, if you’re drinking, be careful not to go overboard: tonight the moon will sextile Mars in your first house, putting you at risk of going too hard and injuring yourself. Stay safe and know your limits. Meanwhile, the sun is hanging out in your third house and making a trine to Uranus in your eleventh, opening the doors of communication with new and exciting groups of people. Convinced you can’t make friends as an adult? Think again.


Very early this morning, the moon finishes its sweep through your ninth house, but first, it will make an opposition to Venus in your third, triggering complicated feelings regarding your partner’s communication style and, perhaps, your conflicting ideological beliefs. This misalignment is likely to cause frustration, but your partner will probably be willing to at least try to talk things through. When the moon moves into your tenth house, however, you’ll be more self-focused, with your eye on your career and professional status taking precedence over relationship drama. If you and your work friends decide to go out for cocktails, though, remember that the moon will make a sextile to Mars in your twelfth house this evening. If things get out of hand, you might end up going viral for the wrong reasons. Be responsible with your actions and remember that everything we do has consequences. Meanwhile, the sun in your second house makes a trine to Uranus in your tenth all day, suggesting some big change to your job title and income will occur; some of you will get laid off out of the blue, while others will get promoted.


As the moon completes its transit through your eighth house, forming an opposition with Venus in your second, your emotional and rational sides face off: you have the choice to either accept help from a partner or struggle through yourself. When the moon shifts into your ninth house, you’ll be more amenable to letting someone treat you—but still stubborn about the fact you needed assistance in the first place. This evening, when the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your eleventh house, your group chat is likely to be buzzing and active; even if you were planning a lazy weekend in, you might be dragged out of your comfort zone by your friend group. Ultimately, you’ll be grateful for it. Just be cautious about overindulgence. Meanwhile, the sun in your first house trine Uranus in your ninth gives you the confidence to proudly declare your ideological or religious beliefs, maybe for the first time: whether this is a public conversion or a full-scale takedown of an abusive spiritual leader, you’ll feel prepared for the potential backlash. This is the era of faith deconstruction and reconstruction. You are certainly not alone.


Very early this morning the moon will finish its transit through your seventh house, making one final aspect before it’s done: an opposition to Venus in your first house. Your closest relationships need to be under review right now, as they might be restricting your individuality, either through codependent patterns or toxic exertion of control. If you can’t remember your life before your person came into it, that might be a problem; you shouldn’t feel as though you’ve melded into a single entity. Very soon the moon will make its ingress into your eighth house, giving you the freedom to contemplate darker and more taboo concepts. If you feel the need to discuss your feelings with your partner, it might lead to serious healing—or a transformative, mind-blowing sexual experience that leaves you feeling more connected than ever. Be careful you don’t deepen soul ties with someone you’re trying to detach from. When the moon makes a sextile with Mars in your tenth house later tonight, your professional reputation will suddenly become very important to you, and you’ll be motivated enough to take action to work harder. It’s a good time to blaze a new trail; whether you wish to do that at your current job or escape the humdrum monotony and find a new one is entirely up to you. Meanwhile, for the entire day the sun in your twelfth house will form a trine to Uranus in your eighth, encouraging reflection of the deeper sort. If you’ve been slacking, it’s probably time to schedule a session with your therapist. You could experience a sudden realization regarding your sexuality, trauma, or childhood wounds; such things are best discussed with a professional.


The moon in your sixth house makes a challenging opposition to Venus in your twelfth early this morning, indicating that both your mental and physical health need more attention. If your partner has been stressing you out rather than building you up, it might be time to separate, or at least give each other some space until you’ve gotten your head back on straight. The moon will then ingress into your seventh house, making you, ironically, more focused on your relationship than ever: rather than trying to ignore the elephant in the room, commit to listening to one another more intently or signing up for couple’s therapy. You’re all out of alignment right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fix things. When the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your ninth house this evening, you have the opportunity to share a very special conversation with your partner about philosophical and spiritual matters, or attend a religious service together. Meanwhile, the sun holds court in your eleventh house, forming a trine to Uranus in your seventh; people in your extended social circle are going to have opinions about your relationship, and they’re not going to hesitate to share them. Accept the brutal honesty and humble yourselves. They might see something you don’t.


The moon finishes its transit through your fifth house early this morning, but not until it makes a fierce opposition with Venus in your eleventh. What you desire in romance and what your partner is providing you with are largely at odds right now, and while you may prefer to stay in and play We’re Not Really Strangers over a glass of sauvignon, they might be urging you to go out and meet their friends. Once the moon has ingressed into your sixth house, you’ll be able to re-contextualize what this means for your daily routine, and whether your partner truly fits into the world you’ve built for yourself. Tonight, the moon will make a sextile to Mars in your eighth, giving you the opportunity to suggest an unconventional yet powerful approach at work. Your idea could be a game-changer. Meanwhile, all day the sun in your tenth house forms a trine to Uranus in your sixth, putting your reputation and responsibilities at work at the very top of your list of priorities. Something weird and unexpected might happen at work, like a power outage, that requires your quick thinking. You’ll be able to set things right and, in turn, improve your social status.


Before the moon completes its transit through your fourth house, it makes a final face-off with opposing Venus in your tenth. This is reflective of the recent struggle between your domestic and professional lives, which are at odds with one another. When one is not in balance, the other inevitably won’t be either. However, once the moon ingresses into your fifth house, you’ll feel refreshed creatively and prepared to pursue your romantic impulses, bathing in the glow of your partner’s attention—or, if you’re single, you might be confident enough to flirtatiously take the lead with a glamorous stranger you lock eyes with. Indeed, tonight the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your seventh house, placing you in the right place at the right time if you’re looking to lock it down with someone, or possibly meet the one. Take action and be bold. Your self-assured presence is the sexiest thing about you. Meanwhile, throughout the entire day the sun in your ninth house trines Uranus in your fifth, laying the groundwork for a potential relationship or creative project rooted in your deepest and most strongly held spiritual or ideological convictions. Your ideas matter now more than ever.


Today begins with the moon in your third house opposing Venus in your ninth, reflecting the push-pull energy between you and a partner with a different cultural, spiritual, or religious background. Your values, principles, and love languages might be fundamentally incompatible. Once the moon ingresses into your fourth house, the comforts of home will provide a safe place for you to process whether you wish to continue this partnership or seek independence. Later tonight, the moon will make a sextile to Mars in your sixth house, putting your focus back on work and your own self-improvement; this is a time to individuate from the closest people in your life and instead take time to get healthier, happier, and more productive. Meanwhile, the sun in your eighth house makes a trine to Uranus in your fourth all day, encouraging you to bring the strange and unusual into your domestic sphere. Whether you choose to have a séance in your living room or explore something new sexually, you’ll be driven by primal instincts. Have fun, but remember to exercise restraint and don’t indulge in anything that is physically or spiritually dangerous.


The morning begins with the moon in your second house forming a tense opposition to Venus in your eighth, forcing you to reckon with the reality of your financial situation and the way you’d prefer things to be. If you’re pulling most of the weight in the relationship (or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you’re feeling demoralized because your partner earns significantly more than you), it isn’t the ideal time to discuss your feelings about this sensitive topic. Instead, wait it out. The moon will soon ingress into your third house, opening the doors of communication and making money matters much easier to discuss rationally and reasonably, without pride or ego dominating the conversation. This evening, when the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your fifth house, you’ll feel closer to your partner, having shared more of your fears and concerns; it is a good time to stay in and have a quiet, romantic date night, although it’s advisable to keep the drinking to a minimum, lest one of you get a little too emotional. If that isn’t enough proof for you, the sun in your seventh house trine Uranus in your third enhances verbal communication between you and your closest partners, and brings with it unpredictably innovative solutions. It’s time to have the talk.