Letícia Alvares

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Today the moon cruises through the cozy sign of Taurus, giving us freedom to indulge in the small luxuries and treat ourselves, if circumstances allow. While the moon enjoys being in the sign of the bull and tends to reflect a more grounded energy, that doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing, as the moon will make several significant aspects over the course of the day that shake up our routine. 

First off, at 5:27 AM EST, there’s the moon-Saturn sextile at 15°. The planet of delays and restriction is still retrograde in the sign of Pisces, so our collective connection to spiritual practice, and amenity to religious authority, has been under review. If you’ve been questioning your beliefs, feeling creatively blocked, or feeling as though you’re treading water waiting for your ship to come in, you can thank this sluggish period of Saturnian backward motion. As more and more dogmatic spiritual leaders come under fire for fraud, deception, and letting their own egos run wild, the meek come ever closer to inheriting the earth.

However much you’ve been struggling internally, today you might be relieved to hear others starting the dialogue you’ve been afraid of. Under this positive sextile, we break out of our obsessive-compulsive patterns of thinking and put our words out there, sharing our beliefs and philosophies—not boldly, necessarily, but loudly enough to be heard above the rest of the white noise on social media. “Speak the truth even if your voice shakes” is the mantra we should all be applying today. You can trust your emotions to guide you today.

Secondly, the moon forms a trine with Mercury in Virgo at 4:30 PM at 21°. This offers another opportunity to speak to a wide audience about your ideological and philosophical values; if you have to make the case for a spiritual worldview using rational and scientific language, this is the best possible transit under which to do so. 

Reason and faith, despite what our culture has been telling us for centuries, can exist in tandem, complementing and enriching one another. And once upon a time, not too long ago, we recognized this. Our society, for what it’s worth, seems determined to find our way back to God. The only problem is that we keep fighting over which path is the right one to get there. 

Finally, there’s an awkward aspect known as a quincunx, otherwise known as an inconjunction, between Venus in Libra and Neptune in Pisces at 28°. While this narrative will unfold over the course of the day, adding an interesting and somewhat foreboding subplot to the mostly positive astrological weather of the day, the aspect will go exact at 4:44 PM, representing a crucial moment in which women, beauty, luxury, and peacekeeping will stand up to the delusional tyrant that is Neptune. 

Remember, Neptune is still retrograde. Attempts at getting through to people absorbed in cultic groups and mass hysteria has been challenging, to say the least. Today, there might be some efforts made, but they won’t come without their challenges. Those who are truly convinced in their version of truth will not be shaken despite the most damning evidence.

No matter what you personally believe, the cosmos that you will be invigorated to express it. By reading the following (according to your rising sign, not sun sign), you can get a fairly accurate forecast for how this day will fall out for you on a personal level.


The moon in your second house places your focus on money matters today. Early this morning, when it makes a sextile with Saturn in your twelfth, you’ll likely be relieved of a heavy burden, thanks to the help of a wiser and possibly older person in your circle. The secrets we keep only hurt us, so it is best to be radically honest—if not with others, then at least with ourselves. Early this evening, the moon’s trine to Mercury in your sixth house puts your focus on external communication: if you work in a field that requires precision, tact, and eloquence, you’ll find the right words to convey difficult ideas. Meanwhile, the quincunx between Venus in your seventh house and Neptune in your twelfth places you in an uncomfortable position regarding your close personal relationships: for some of you, this will manifest in the exposure of a large-scale deception, while others will face the consequences of their own lies. Any partnership built on dishonesty is doomed to fail.


As the moon cruises through your first house, you’ll feel as though you attract more positive attention. In the early hours of the morning, when the moon makes a sextile with Saturn in your eleventh house, you’re likely to be perceived as more approachable, and you have a good chance of encountering older mentors that can guide you on your journey. This evening, when the moon makes a harmonious trine to Mercury in your fifth, you’ll be in a romantic and lighthearted mood; it’s a great time for a spontaneous date night or to start chatting up someone new. You’ll find yourself bolder and more capable of turning on the charm, using your best lines rather than anxiously stumbling over your words. Meanwhile, there is a quincunx between Venus in your sixth house and Neptune in your eleventh; if you go to any sort of networking event this weekend, be very cautious of scammers and offers that sound too good to be true. You could easily be taken for a ride and under this transit, no one could even necessarily blame you; the most cautious among us can be swindled. Run a background check if someone is giving sus vibes and do your research before you sign any contracts.


The moon in your twelfth house might provide you with prophetic dreams or intuitive insight that you can’t ignore, but it might just make you moody and introspective all day. You’ll have to shut off this desire to wallow when the moon sextiles Saturn in your tenth house this morning, as you’ll be placed in a leadership role whether you like it or not. Without a doubt, though, your authority will be respected; you might be the most qualified person in the room, and those younger than you will have good reason to look up to you. When the moon makes a trine to Mercury in your fourth house later today, you will bring the same energy to your household, providing you with a tactful and diplomatic approach to communication that is typically not your style. If you have to talk politics with an older relative, you might actually be able to find harmony between your beliefs and settle comfortably on common ground. You are both humans navigating this complicated world, after all. Meanwhile, the quincunx between Venus in your fifth house and Neptune in your tenth reflects the lies a casual partner has been spinning about their career and reputation. It’s always a hard pill to swallow when you realize you’ve caught feelings for a catfish, but it’s better to know the truth now than labor under a delusion for months or even years.


The moon drifts through your eleventh house today, driving you to get out and socialize with large groups of people, even if your baseline leans more on the introverted side. Early this morning, the moon’s sextile to Saturn in your ninth house places you directly in front of the spiritual or academic mentor you’ve been seeking: don’t take their words of wisdom for granted, as you’re unlikely to come across such a fated union again anytime soon. Be bold and ask if they wouldn’t mind meeting you for coffee one day soon. Later this evening, the moon trines Mercury in your third house, amplifying your ability to communicate challenging topics to large groups of people who largely disagree with one another. You’ll be able to reach across cultural and political divides with your naturally warm and trustworthy aura. Meanwhile, Venus in your fourth house forms a quincunx with Neptune in your ninth, reflecting your disconnect from a certain religious, ideological, or academic sphere. Is it really possible that your yoga teacher has been slowly indoctrinating you into a cult? Stranger things have happened. It’s time to rip the bandage off and face reality.


With the moon in your tenth house, you’re a pseudo-celebrity today, with everyone demanding something of you: your time, your energy, or your hard work. Remember not to take on more than you can handle. However, there is potential for you to attract possible investors if you’re trying to scale your business: in the early hours of the day, the moon will make a sextile to Saturn in your eighth house, giving you access to important older people with money and resources to spend—hopefully, if all goes well, on you and your career. Later today, the moon will make a trine to Mercury in your second, solidifying your chance to increase your income—and if you have to give an elevator pitch to people you have literally nothing in common with, you’ll still nail it. Meanwhile, there is an uncomfortable quincunx between Venus in your third house and Neptune in your eighth, reflecting deception in your local neighborhood or from your extended family. If you and your siblings have been battling over an inheritance, make sure you seek legal counsel to be sure you’re not losing out on what is rightfully yours.


As the moon makes its way through your ninth house, you’ll want to immerse yourself in an area of study that fascinates you. Whether you’re an academic or an autodidact, you’ll take it upon yourself to research, research, research. When the moon makes a sextile to Saturn in your seventh house in the early hours of the morning, you have the opportunity to meet an older partner—romantic or business, or perhaps both—who inspires and motivates you to keep following your niche interests. Allow them to share their knowledge; you stand to learn a lot from them. Tonight, the moon makes a trine to Mercury in your first, placing you in the spotlight and ensuring that you are the mouthpiece for your spiritual, cultural, or ideological community. If you have to speak the truth, you’ll do it with love, choosing your words very carefully and reaching people who might otherwise be resistant to your ideas or objectives. Meanwhile, the quincunx between Venus in your second house and Neptune in your seventh places you in a challenging situation with your partner: it’s likely that something will be revealed regarding their financial status. That influencer you’ve been seeing who keeps promising to fly you to Italy might actually be in mountains of debt.


The moon in your eighth house makes you more receptive to dark and taboo subject matter, as well as accepting financial help from others: your partner, your family, or anyone else who comes along with a genuine helping hand extended. Early this morning, the moon sextiles Saturn in your sixth house, presenting you with a chance to learn from someone you encounter every day, either at work or while running errands. If you’re willing to listen, they might have some valuable insights to share about karma, debt, and breaking free of generational trauma. Death and taxes are the only certainties; the sooner you get used to talking about them, the easier your life will be. When the moon forms a trine to Mercury in your twelfth house later this evening, you’ll be willing to discuss more controversial and uncomfortable topics surrounding your subconscious, dreams, and fears. It’s a good night to check in with your therapist, who can provide professional guidance. Meanwhile, Venus in your first house will be making a quincunx to Neptune in your sixth all day, suggesting that something is off about your workplace. Check in with your coworkers to see if they’re doing okay. Rage bait or rabid misinformation might be flooding your Slack channel this weekend and if you can be the one to provide an antidote to this hysteria, you’ll be doing everyone a service.


Your focus is on your interpersonal relationships today as the moon makes its transit through your seventh house. Very early this morning, the moon’s sextile to Saturn in your fifth presents you with a tempting opportunity to indulge a new flirtation, most likely with an older or more mature partner. It could be harmless; on the other hand, you could get swept up in the excitement of it and lose yourself in the fantasy. This evening, the moon will trine Mercury in your eleventh house, giving you a distraction in the form of a large crowd of professional or friendly peers. You might not agree on everything, but you will be able to communicate your values more effectively than usual, bridging the gap and creating unity where there is so often discord. Meanwhile, Venus in your twelfth house is making a disorienting quincunx to Neptune in your fifth; you are likely to learn the hard way that a romantic or creative pursuit is fruitless. Lick your wounds in private and move on. There are always new opportunities for love and success, as long as you trust in divine timing.


The moon transits your sixth house today, giving you the stubborn grit to get through anything the day throws at you. In the early hours of the day, the moon will make a sextile to Saturn in your fourth house, giving you the energy necessary to organize your closet, clean the house, or do some similarly mundane task. When the moon trines Mercury in your tenth house tonight, however, your professional reputation becomes the most important thing to you; you’ll crush a networking event if you have to attend one, and your social media following will likely increase at a steady rate. You’ll find yourself more communicative and capable than usual, reaching an audience that might normally be divided on ideological or philosophical concerns. Though you might sometimes speak without thinking, this time you’ll be aware of the weight of your own words and choose them carefully. Meanwhile, Venus in your eleventh house will make an awkward quincunx to Neptune in your fourth, suggesting that something about your home life will become public knowledge to your social circle. If you’re not yet ready to announce that you’re still living with your ex because he’s paying half the rent, someone might do it for you. Proceed with caution. Once your secret is out, there’s no taking it back.


The moon in your fifth house enhances your creativity and puts you in the mood for romance, and you can certainly use your charm and sensuality to attract older, more mature people into your circle, if that is what you wish to do. If they’re spiritual leaders of some sort, all the better: early this morning the moon will make a sextile to Saturn in your third house, drawing all the esoteric mentors right towards you. You might find them while on your morning walk around the block with your dog, or while ordering coffee, or even within your own family; take this opportunity to reach out to older relatives who might have a unique perspective on life. This evening, the moon trines Mercury in your ninth house, giving you ample opportunity to preach your values and convictions to a casual partner you’ve been seeing—or even to yourself in the mirror. Meanwhile, Venus in your tenth house quincunx Neptune in your third drops the veil on a sibling or neighbor who’s been fake-flexing about a job that either doesn’t exist or is much less impressive than they’ve been letting on.


Your home and family is your top priority today, as the moon transits your fourth house. Early this morning, la lune makes a sextile to Saturn in your second, bringing a chance opportunity to learn more about financial management from an older or more experienced mentor. Don’t allow your shame to keep you from sitting down with them for a brutally honest conversation. Take stock of what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and how you can improve your situation. This evening, the moon makes a trine to Mercury in your eighth house, further emphasizing the importance of talking about money; it’s nobody’s favorite thing in the world, but it is a necessary evil, and under the influence of this astro weather you’ll find it easier to ask the questions you’ve been afraid to voice aloud. Meanwhile, there is an unstable quincunx between Venus in your ninth house and Neptune in your second, suggesting that a trusted spiritual, religious, or academic leader is about to be exposed for a financial scandal. Learn from their mistakes and make a promise to yourself that you will course-correct before you end up on the same path.


When the moon is in your third house, your ability to speak and write is enhanced, and your popularity amongst your extended family and neighbors is heightened. When, in the early hours of the morning, the moon makes a sextile to Saturn in your first, you’re likely to come across to others as the most knowledgeable and responsible person on the block. If you get the opportunity to share some of your wisdom to your younger cousins, nieces, or nephews, don’t turn it down; you’re not yet aware of the power you hold, and those who look up to you deserve your undivided attention. The moon will make a trine to Mercury in your seventh house this evening, presenting an ideal opportunity to discuss business plans with a partner—or have the “what are we?” talk with the situationship you’re secretly in love with. Your words won’t fail you, as you manage to blend sincere emotion and intimidating conviction. If you don’t love the direction your relationship or business is going, this is the time to fess up, rather than letting things spiral out of control. Meanwhile, Venus in your eighth house forming a quincunx to Neptune in your first presents you with an opportunity to attract a lover with a lot of abundance—or secret karmic debts. Whichever they bring into the relationship, you’ll be carrying for a long while, too. Tread carefully.