Karolina Kaboompics

Horoscope For Today: Monday, October 28, 2024

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The moon continues its transit through Virgo this morning, reflecting our collective desire to complete our daily mundane tasks and commit to more practical, healthy routines. However, as you might expect, since nothing ever goes exactly according to plan, the moon will make some important aspects to other planets throughout the day, forcing us to think outside of the box and be a little bit more flexible with our plans and ideas.

At 5:36 AM EST, there will be a square between two planets currently in Mercury-ruled signs: the moon in Virgo, and retrograde Jupiter in Gemini at 20°. Despite the fact that both mercurial signs are heavily invested in language and communication, their approaches could not be more fundamentally opposed: Virgo is calculated, while Gemini is impulsive.

This is guaranteed to create friction between our emotional desire for structure and our spiritual and philosophical passions. This conflict can create very rigid ideologues and zealots. If you are fired up about something, you may feel compelled to talk about it even while knowing that by doing so you are setting yourself up for controversy.

At 9:15 AM, the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in Scorpio at 22°, a degree associated with abrupt and sometimes brutal endings. Every ending, of course, no matter how painful, is always followed by a new beginning—and in this case, with the Scorpionic influence, taboos and sex scandals will become front-page headlines. Consequences are on the horizon for anyone who has been leading a secret double life. On the other hand, if you’ve been waiting to expose someone who has skeletons in their closet, this is a great time to share the receipts. Everything done in the dark, after all, eventually comes to light.

The next significant aspect of the day isn’t until 4:23 PM, when the moon forms a trine to retrograde Uranus at 26°, enabling us to access innovative ways of thinking and organizing our ideas. Since the planet of unpredictability is still in retrograde motion, old themes may appear in your life again with a shocking suddenness, giving you the spark of inspiration you need to move forward with a concept or idea you had previously abandoned. This is an excellent time for the collective to put our heads together and utilize our shared resources to work towards a common goal, rather than infighting.

At 7:30 PM, the moon will oppose retrograde Neptune at 27°, presenting an opportunity for creative and mystical breakthroughs—but be overly cautious and do not allow your emotions to lead the way. Keep them in check, as you could very easily be swindled by a scam or lured into a relationship or business deal based on false promises. So-called delusional confidence has the power to make or break you depending on how you work with Neptunian energy; creative types will undoubtedly be composing beautiful harmonies and painting whimsical imagery tonight.

A dose of optimism—and realism—will come back around at 7:55 PM, when the moon and Mars in Cancer make a sextile at 27°. After a long day, you may be surprised to get a second wind this evening and feel unexpectedly energized. Use this time to clean, organize, and begin home renovation projects—or set boundaries if your household has been feeling a little unruly lately.

How can you expect this day to fall out according to your rising sign? Read on.


In the early hours of the morning, the moon in your sixth house squares off against retrograde Jupiter in your third, suggesting conflict between your colleagues and difficulty communicating ideas. Mid-morning, the moon’s sextile to Mercury in your eighth house guarantees revelations regarding financial dealings in your workplace. Some of you will uncover fraud and other nefarious dealings. The theme of money management continues when late this afternoon, the moon’s trine to retrograde Uranus in your second house sparks innovative strategies to handle your own funds. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to retrograde Neptune in your twelfth house gives you confidence bordering on the delusional, but if you apply your creativity and pursue your goals with boldness, you may come up on top. Shortly after, the moon and Mars in your fourth house form a pleasant sextile that helps you unwind and relax at home.


Early this morning, the moon in your fifth house squares retrograde Jupiter in your second, reflecting your desire to be more self-indulgent, even if you can’t afford your lifestyle. For some of you, though, an increase in cash flow is allowing you to spend frivolously. Midway through the morning, the moon sextiles Mercury in your seventh house, sending emotional news your way from a significant partner who may wish to end your relationship—or take it to the next level. When the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your first house this afternoon, you can anticipate major changes to your identity as a result of this information, which is likely to be unexpected and jarring. Tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Neptune in your eleventh house, revealing deception from within your social and professional network. Try to take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Soon after, the moon forms a sextile to Mars in your third house, giving you a boost of confidence in your communication abilities.


Very early this morning, the moon in your fourth house squares retrograde Jupiter in your first, inciting a strong need to stand up for your family and integrate your place of origin into your identity. Mid-morning, the moon forms a sextile to Mercury in your sixth house, delivering some possibly startling news regarding your work environment: some of you will lose jobs, while others will unexpectedly quit. Abrupt endings are not only to be expected, but to be embraced, no matter how painful they may seem at the time. This afternoon, the moon’s trine to retrograde Uranus in your twelfth house puts you in a morose and introspective state of mind during which you will probably need to self-isolate in order to process your pain and lick your wounds. Tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Neptune in your tenth house, you will feel disoriented and uncertain of your social status, reputation, and career, but don’t allow yourself to get too down on yourself. Not too long after, the moon will sextile Mars in your second house, giving you the motivation to seek new income streams and make the best of a bad situation.


Early this morning, the moon in your third house squares off against retrograde Jupiter in your twelfth, giving you the impulse to convey your deepest thoughts. You won’t be in the mood for office small talk, but halfway through the morning, the moon’s sextile to Mercury in your fifth house will lighten the mood when a romantic or creative partner delivers some transformative, possibly secret information. However, if you’ve been hiding things, such as a forbidden workplace romance, this might be the day you’re caught out. Later this afternoon, the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your eleventh house, bringing you shocking surprises from within your larger social group. You’re far from the only one keeping secrets. Tonight, the moon will oppose retrograde Neptune in your ninth house, breaking any spells you’ve been under in relation to your spiritual or philosophical quest. Shortly after, the moon’s sextile to Mars in your first will give you the courage to walk away from any cults or toxic relationships you’ve accidentally found yourself involved in.


In the early morning hours, the moon in your second house squares retrograde Jupiter in your eleventh, giving you the opportunity to set clear boundaries amongst your friends. If you are trying to save and they are encouraging you to go out every weekend, it might be time to have that hard conversation you’ve been putting off. Midway through the morning, the moon will sextile Mercury in your fourth house, delivering shocking news regarding a family member—or bringing closure to a toxic roommate situation. Some of you will officially decide not to re-sign your lease and move on to greener pastures. This afternoon, when the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your tenth house, your professional reputation comes under review, and you might be presented with an unexpected gift in the form of a raise, promotion, or job transfer. Tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Neptune in your eighth house, giving you clarity and understanding surrounding your own finances. If you’ve been keeping your debts out of sight, out of mind, the veil will fall tonight and you will commit to paying them off ASAP. Soon after, the moon will sextile Mars in your twelfth house, encouraging you to admit your failures and accept responsibility.


Early this morning, the moon in your first house squares off against retrograde Jupiter in your tenth, reflecting the harsh disconnect between your personal identity and the professional reputation you’ve been trying to maintain. You may be presented with an opportunity that promises notoriety but demands you sell out or sacrifice your values to achieve it. Mid-morning, the moon sextile Mercury in your third house brings about a shocking end or beginning in your local community and gives you the opportunity to speak your mind about taboo subjects. This afternoon, the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your ninth house, sparking an emotional shock to the system regarding your religious or philosophical beliefs. Some of you will be disappointed by news regarding a specific spiritual mentor. Tonight, the moon will oppose retrograde Neptune in your seventh house, breaking the illusion surrounding a committed relationship you’ve been pursuing. Shortly after, the moon sextile Mars in your eleventh house provides you with a sounding board in your larger social circle; reach out to your friends for a second opinion and trust that they have your back, even if your partner isn’t living up to your standards right now.


This morning, the moon in your twelfth house makes a square to retrograde Jupiter in your ninth, suggesting conflict between what you personally want to believe and what your intuition is telling you is right. Mid-morning, the moon forms a sextile with Mercury in your second house, inciting emotional conversations about your finances and forcing you to make hard-and-fast decisions regarding your income and spending habits. This theme continues into the afternoon, when the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your eighth, dredging up complicated and potentially disruptive news about debts, taxes, and other people’s money. Knowing that you owe money to anyone is always a heavy burden, and it’s best to relieve yourself of it as soon as possible. Tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Neptune in your sixth house, revealing the truth about your health and work habits, for better or for worse. Lean into the discomfort and make changes that are necessary. Shortly after, the moon makes a sextile to Mars in your tenth house, empowering you to improve your reputation for good.


Early this morning, the moon in your eleventh house squares retrograde Jupiter in your eighth, expanding your ability to earn money with members of your extended social group. Mid-morning, the moon’s sextile with Mercury in your first house encourages you to make a major change to your appearance and step into a bold new leadership position. It could mean the ending of a career path and the beginning of something brand new that you didn’t see coming. Rebrand yourself as you see fit. This afternoon, the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your seventh, delivering seismic shocks to your relationship sector and potentially revealing a partner’s secrets. If you’re single, you might meet someone within your existing circle, or take a FWB situation to a more committed and secure place. Tonight, when the moon makes an opposition to retrograde Neptune in your fifth house, you’re primed to create some truly mystical, life-changing art—and also potentially be manipulated by a casual fling, so avoid using the apps tonight, lest you be catfished. Soon afterwards, the moon will sextile Mars in your ninth house, solidifying your assurance in what you believe and stand for.


This morning, the moon in your tenth house squares retrograde Jupiter in your seventh, causing conflict between your professional life and your relationship with your partner. You may have to choose between hard-launching yourself or being exposed by someone else. Take the path of least resistance. Mid-morning, the moon sextiles Mercury in your twelfth house, inciting dark conversations about uncomfortable subjects: sexuality, mortality, and addiction, to name a few. You may find yourself struggling with your mental health. Step away from anything that is causing you anxiety and give yourself a breather until you feel prepared to manage the task at hand. Later, the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your sixth house, reflective of disruptive and chaotic events in the workplace. Tonight, the moon will oppose retrograde Neptune in your fourth house, bringing to light any secrets that your family has been keeping—and lending a particularly magical ambience to your own home. Shortly after, the moon forms a sextile to Mars in your eighth house, giving you an alluring sexual confidence and willingness to have deep conversations. Invite your partner over for an impromptu date night.


In the early morning hours, the moon in your ninth house forms a square with retrograde Jupiter in your sixth, creating tension between your personal deeply held convictions and what you’re expected to show up at work and do every day. If you’re not feeling right about a certain job, don’t take it. Midway through the morning, the moon will form a sextile with Mercury in your eleventh house, indicating that dark and potentially triggering news will come to you via the group chat—make sure you check in on your friends and see how they’re doing. You never truly know what someone is going through. This afternoon, when the moon makes a trine with retrograde Uranus in your fifth house, a short-term fling might have to end abruptly due to a fundamental religious or cultural incompatibility. Consider it a blessing in disguise. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to retrograde Neptune in your third makes conversation more confusing—or more poetic, depending on how you like to communicate. Soon after, the moon’s sextile with Mars in your seventh house gives you the boldness to message a new partner. This time, they might just be the one.


Early this morning, as the moon in your eighth house squares off against retrograde Jupiter in your fifth, you can expect sexual tension to be extremely high between you and any casual situationships you’ve got on the roster. Ditto for your creativity, which is a suitable alternative to channel this energy into if you’re currently undergoing a period of celibacy. Mid-morning, the moon’s sextile with Mercury in your tenth house delivers a disorienting end—or beginning—to your career, such as a job loss, transfer, demotion, or promotion. Later this afternoon, the moon trines retrograde Uranus in your fourth, swiftly changing your home environment. If you’re suddenly unemployed, your financial situation will inevitably have to change. You’ll be thinking out of the box tonight when the moon opposes retrograde Neptune in your second house, giving you delusional confidence to move forward with a side hustle or apply for your dream job now that the opportunity is available to you. Soon after, the moon’s sextile with Mars in your sixth house ensures that new job opportunities will arrive quickly.


This morning, the moon in your seventh house squares retrograde Jupiter in your fourth, stirring up challenges between your partner and your home life. They might be eager to cohabitate while you’re still on the fence; you might be encouraging them to come home for the holidays to meet your family, while they’re anxious about taking such a big step. Midway through the morning, the moon forms a sextile with Mercury in your ninth house, indicating that whatever information you receive from your partner today is likely to be on the heavier side: you might learn their true opinions on a hot-button political issue, for instance. You’ll want to talk it out before ending the relationship abruptly, however; this afternoon, the moon makes a trine to retrograde Uranus in your third house. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to retrograde Neptune in your first house will bring sweeping changes to your sense of identity, which is likely destabilized as a result of the events of the day; you may feel disassociated and disconnected from your own body and feel the urge to turn to substances to numb yourself. Soon after, the moon forms a sextile with Mars in your fifth house, amplifying your creative energy.