Divine Femininity Is Coming If You’ve Pulled These Tarot Cards

The Empress

The Empress is strongly associated with femininity. She represents fertility, nurturing, and creative pursuits; she is often a symbol of life and motherhood. The Empress represents powerful femininity and strength. For many, she is a sacred card to receive.

The Empress may appear to those who are entering their divine feminine era. She may appear to a querent who has already unlocked their powerful femininity and has realized their capabilities already. She may also be pulled by someone who is creating new artistic and energetic pursuits for themselves. 

The Empress is often thought to represent the softer side of divine femininity. Those who are caring, nurturing, look out for others, and are connected and aware in their relationships may feel a deep connection to the Empress card. Additionally, a querent who is highly connected to nature and the world around them may pull the Empress card more regularly or receive her advice in their readings. 

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is another sacred card of divine femininity. The High Priestess represents the spiritual and feeling side of femininity. She is all about listening to your intuition and understanding your feelings. She may bring spiritual guidance to your life or point out areas in which spiritual insight will soon make its way to you.

The High Priestess can also be an illusive card. You may find interpreting her meaning to be frustrating when you pull this card. She can be difficult to understand – and part of that is because she implores you to go with your gut feeling and trust what your intuition is telling you. Many people see her as being positively secretive – she knows the answers you seek, but she wants you to come to your own conclusion instead of telling you outright.

The High Priestess arrives with significant amounts of divine feminine energy that radiate from her presence. She represents divine spirituality, feminine witchcraft, spiritual devotion, and is often seen to be connected to the Moon or the spiritual world. If the Empress card is about being connected to the people and the Earth, then the High Priestess is about being connected to the entire Universe.

Someone who is just coming into their divine femininity or beginning their divine feminine era may pull the High Priestess card. A person who is still learning to trust their intuition or allow themselves to be a leader may hear from the High Priestess often. Additionally, a querent who is embracing their spirituality and learning to trust their practices may receive guidance from the High Priestess as well.


The Strength card typically depicts a woman standing next to a lion and petting it fondly. The Strength card is divinely feminine; it represents confidence, finding your power, and trusting yourself. The Strength card is less about physical strength and more about mental or inner strength; it may be advising you to stay true to your values and express yourself confidently.

Strength is more often than not said to be about power that does not have to be forced. It is longevity, fortitude, and self-assuredness. It is being calm yet strong in the face of all obstacles. Strength tames the lion not with violence, but with ease and grace. Strength brings about harmony and peace in all things.

If you have been hard at work on your self-esteem, have chosen wisdom and power in your actions, or are facing obstacles with inner strength, you may pull the Strength card. She may also advise you to take the high road, to trust yourself, and to address your daily life with confidence. She may guide you towards embracing your divine femininity and not being ashamed of expressing it. She may also appear to commend you on your inner work and the fact that you have entered your divine feminine era.