restless deer

October’s Tarot Reading For Gemini, Libra, And Aquarius

In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of October for three different zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These zodiacs, also known as the air signs, are communicative intellectuals who are at home with change and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.

Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:

— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)

Card By Card Breakdown:

The Past: 

The World

In your recent past, you felt like not only had you made it, but that you had really been successful at creating something special. You completed a huge project and got a lot of external validation on that work. You might have even gotten the chance to physically travel around the world. You experienced the joy of achievement, and felt as if you had synthesized a lot of the lessons your journey has had to teach. You did it! Now ‘all’ you have to do is decide – what next?

The Present: 

Seven of Cups, Reversed

Very few people talk about the depression that can set in after a goal is met and a dream achieved. While you know that there are so many possibilities in front of you, you’re struggling with what your next goal should be and a little bit afraid that you’ll make the wrong choice. It’s fine to take a while to choose, especially if it’s a large choice. Just make sure you aren’t delaying for delay’s sake or out of fear, because sometimes taking too long means that something will make the choice for you.

The Challenge: 

The Wheel of Fortune

Luck and fate sometimes intervene at the strangest times, and this is going to be one of your challenges. A turning point is coming, and it’s going to be challenging for you, especially if it obscures your thoughts on what choice you should make. Try to evaluate how you feel about luck or chance – do you believe you create your own luck or that the future is inevitable? Which is the more productive / comfortable idea for you right now? Which belief would be more helpful in creating the future you want?

Your Thoughts: 

King of Swords

Your thoughts are clear and you have a unique perspective. You are capable of seeing how your material and emotional realms are impacting each other. You can rise above your current circumstance and are capable of being analytical about the situation you’re facing. If you take a deep breath and really focus on things from that higher view, what choices do you think you should make? Where do you want to be in a few years? What choices would best support that? How can you make choices that will complement the sort of luck you’re having? 

Your Subconscious:


The Justice card in the subconscious indicates that you are ready for a change that aligns with your personal sense of justice. It indicates that if you spend some time meditating on what your inner moral compass says, that answers about what choices should be made will be more clear. This card could also work in conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune to indicate that karmic balancing may be coming into play, and that things are being made ‘right’. 

The Future:


Both the Justice card and Temperance are associated with walking the middle path. Temperance, in particular, speaks to the need to ensure that the balances of life are correct. In your near-future you will be spending time figuring out exactly what that balance will look like for you. When you are feeling your best, and are making the most of your time – how are you balancing things? Do you have a tendency to overdo some things while neglecting others? Has a crutch turned into an addiction? You’ll be contemplating these questions soon. 


The Magician, Reversed

The Magician is a card that symbolizes the fact that we humans are talented at manifesting our dreams into this reality, and that we have all we need to make things happen. When reversed, and as advice, it means to take a step back and get all your ducks in a row before you move forward. Don’t make a decision that splits your energy, and instead use all of your skills and talent towards one major goal.  Don’t limit your decisions based on what your inner critic has to say – remember that you are faced with so many possibilities because you are both capable and talented.

Putting it All Together: 

You have an extremely Major Arcana-heavy reading, and each of those cards carries a lot of energy and weight. You are in a very energetic and powerful time of your life right now. You are making big decisions and are dealing with processing some pretty big milestones – and even bigger emotions.

Give yourself a bit of grace if you’re feeling overwhelmed. You deserve some space – not just to process the huge accomplishment and milestone you passed recently, but with everything that you’re facing in general right now. You’re allowed to feel overwhelmed and a bit exhausted! 

Presently you have a lot of possibilities to choose from. While the Seven of Cups reversed hints that you shouldn’t take too much time figuring out your next moves, the Magician also encourages you to be sure you are ready to move forward. It emphasizes that you feel like you have a realm of possibilities to explore, but are feeling blocked and unsure which way to move. Complicating matters is the fact that The Wheel of Fortune is your challenge, meaning you’re going to have to figure all of this out when things aren’t entirely under your control. 

It’s ok that you can’t control everything. Don’t try to – instead work on skills that will make you more resilient. 

As you make the choice for what you’re going to do next, try to align that choice with your personal morality. Think about what you’d like to be doing in the next couple of years, and what sort of growth you can encourage now to get there. You have a clear head and a chance to really rise above all your inner turmoil to see the way forward, and you’re also in a space where you understand it’s important that you take time to contemplate what all the moves you make now will mean in your future. You’ll be balancing a lot of aspects of your life soon, and you don’t want to make a choice that is going to split your energy and make you feel overwhelmed, nor do you want to make a choice that will give you yet another thing to balance. 

It’s ok to give yourself some time and space to make the decisions you need to make, especially if it means you can get all of your ducks in a row and secure a better outcome.