October’s Tarot Reading For Taurus, Virgo, And Capricorn
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of October for three different zodiacs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These zodiacs, also known as the earth signs, are known for being practical and reliable and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
Page of Cups
The Page of Cups feels everything deeply, whether it’s happiness, disappointment, or love (though love is their favorite). Recently you had a period of time where you experienced the world through the lens of ‘wonder’ and approached everything with a beginner’s mind and heart. You trusted your instincts, and embraced what your emotion and intuition had to tell you. There was no dream too big or too strange for you to follow. You felt like you were in-tune with your emotions and artistic talents.
The Present:
The Hermit
In the here and now, instead of exploring the world and allowing your curiosity to flow externally, you’ve focused it inwards. You’re spending time asking yourself the large spiritual questions that require solitude and quiet contemplation to answer. You know that there are answers that you need within yourself, answers about what you want and where to go next. Instead of trying to follow others on their path to enlightenment and attainment, you’ve been seeking your own. These moments of solitary meditation are giving you a better perspective of exactly what you want out of the situation and your life.
The Challenge:
5 of Pentacles
Your challenge is that you feel extraordinarily vulnerable – materially and emotionally you feel like you’ve been left to fend for yourself. You’re experiencing a lot of anxiety about finances. There is a huge emotional and mental strain it’s taking on you, and it’s often hard for you to see past that high level of anxiety you’re experiencing. Not only do you not feel materially or financially secure, you also feel like you’re on the outside looking in. Those feelings of isolation and vulnerability are making you spiral and feel as though you can’t focus on anything but that.
Your Thoughts:
6 of Swords, Reversed
Your thoughts are stuck in the mistakes of your past. You’re afraid that you’re repeating those mistakes and are stuck in a doom loop. It’s hard not to have these thoughts given the challenges that you are facing right now. Because you are feeling isolated and alone, these thoughts hold much more pull and sway, and you’re worried that you will be perpetually stuck in these moments of lack and loss. Instead of seeing everything as a repetition, try to redirect your thoughts to think about how you are moving out of the loop, and how you can move forward.
Your Subconscious:
2 of Wands
Subconsciously you’re aware that the changes and challenges you’re undergoing are important stepping stones to a more stable foundation for yourself. You know that by seeking answers within you’re uncovering other options, and that the one thing that is constant in life is change. You know that the changes you need to make require discomfort and stepping out of your comfort zone. You know that weighing your options and understanding how they fit with your spiritual goals is the work that needs to be done. You also know that you’re doing what needs to be done to help your long-term success.
The Future:
9 of Cups
All of this work is going to pay off. Looking deep within will allow you to define what success means, and what you really wish for, which will let you lead yourself through a challenging time. The Nine of Cups is a card that indicates your wishes have been fulfilled and you have a deep sense of personal satisfaction. You’ll feel more settled and like you can use your gifts and talents towards something greater. To ensure this bright future becomes a reality, spend some time determining what you’d wish for, and understand what you really want.
4 of Wands
Though it feels really difficult right now, you’ve been doing all of the hard work to set your course for the future. It’s challenging and thankless, but it doesn’t have to be. The advice the Four of Wands is giving you is to take a few moments, and celebrate your success and practice gratitude. Instead of feeling locked by current circumstances, allow yourself to feel some joy at how far you’ve come, and what you’ve managed to accomplish. It will be especially effective if you can celebrate with those you care about.
Putting it All Together:
In the not-too-distant past you were engaging deeply with life, especially with the emotional aspects of it. You plunged head first into things you felt passionately about, and were almost naive in your approach to it. There was nothing too large or too strange for you to try. You’ve since decided to change tactics, and instead of focusing all your passion externally you’ve focused it internally, which is where the Hermit comes in. Placed in the ‘Present’ position and central to the reading, this Major Arcana card’s message is important to the entire reading, and it reaffirms this internal focus. It indicates that the work that you are doing right now to understand all of the larger spiritual questions you have to answer will be an important guide to your future. The answers you are seeking now affect you getting your bearing in life. It’s important that you understand what you wish so it can lead you towards what you should pursue.
However, the emotional and mental strain indicated by the Five of Pentacles are affecting your ability to parse through some larger spiritual issues you’re trying to explore. You haven’t been as productive in exploring things internally because there’s also a lot of negative self-talk you’re dealing with because of that situation. That in turn is firing up your inner critic and making you spiral about whether it’s worth bothering with spiritual matters anyway. The challenges with the Five of Pentacles crossing you are also making your thoughts spiral around mistakes that you’ve made that brought you to where you are now.
The Six of Swords reversed indicates that your thoughts won’t let all of these negative stories from your past go, and it’s feeding into this cycle. However, subconsciously you’re aware that the work you are doing is important, and will ultimately set yourself up for success. Instead of allowing things to continue to spiral and to step towards a future of potential and happiness, allow yourself to see how far you’ve come. Celebrate what you’ve created. Instead of focusing on what you lack, what you’ve lost, and any feelings of isolation, find what you’ve done, what you’ve made, and who you can depend on. Focusing on and celebrating the positive and engaging in gratitude will help break the spiral you’re caught in.
Once that’s done, you’ll find yourself in a much better place. The Nine of Cups, the card in your future, is all about wish fulfillment and satisfaction, and if you can engage in all the internal work described you’ll know exactly what to ask for!