Artem Lupanchuk

4 Zodiacs That Are Being Pulled Back Right Now

Sometimes, life feels like it’s dragging us backward – everything slows down, plans stall, and you start to wonder if you’re on the right path. But often, that pull-back is exactly what you need to build momentum for the next leap forward. It’s like the Universe is giving you time to pause, reflect, and realign before propelling you into something even better.

Here are four zodiac signs that might be feeling a bit stuck or slowed down right now – just before they’re launched into an exciting new chapter.


Cancer, you’ve been in a bit of a cocoon lately. Life may feel heavy, and you might be questioning whether you’re making progress. But this pull-back is all about self-love and nurturing your emotional well-being. Right now, the Universe is urging you to slow down and focus on filling your own cup. You might be revisiting old wounds or feeling emotionally drained, but this is just a period of deep healing.

Once you’ve reconnected with yourself, you’ll be ready for a fresh start – one where you feel stronger and more aligned with your desires. Once you’ve embraced this self-love journey, expect an exciting new opportunity in love or relationships that feels perfectly aligned with the new, stronger you.


Libra, you’re feeling the pull-back hard when it comes to money and career. Things may feel like they’re not moving as fast as you’d like, but this slowdown is giving you the chance to get real about your financial goals. Are you spending in alignment with what you want to manifest? Are you investing your energy into projects that really light you up?

This period of recalibration is preparing you for a major financial breakthrough, but first, you need to refocus and make sure your intentions are clear. Once you’ve taken the time to realign your finances, you’ll be in a prime position to attract new streams of income – whether that’s a raise, a new job, or a side hustle that truly resonates with you.


Scorpio, the pull-back you’re feeling right now is all about transformation. You might be clinging to old habits, mindsets, or even people that no longer serve your growth. The Universe is slowing you down to show you what needs to be released before you can level up.

It’s a time of emotional purging and deep reflection, which can feel uncomfortable, but trust that this is necessary. Once you shed the old, you’ll create space for something far more aligned with your true path.

After this period of release, you’ll find yourself in a position to embrace a major life change – whether it’s moving, a new relationship, or a career shift – that’s been waiting for you on the other side of this transformation.


Capricorn, your drive is unmatched, but even you need to take a step back sometimes to reassess where you’re headed. Right now, things might feel slow or frustrating, especially in your career or business. But this pull-back is actually a blessing in disguise. It’s giving you the chance to refine your goals, reassess what success really looks like for you, and make sure that your ambitions are aligned with your bigger purpose.

This period of pause is setting you up for long-term success, but it requires patience and trust. Once you’ve redefined your ambitions, expect a major breakthrough in your career or business. It could be a promotion, a business expansion, or even a completely new direction that brings you more fulfillment and success.