Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, October 19, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, Reversed

Sometimes, we want to work and push harder to accomplish our goals. However, it’s essential to acknowledge what isn’t working, no matter the time, energy, and investments you pour into it. It’s time to be reserved and strategize before making your next moves. Today, don’t resist the current. Work smarter, not harder.


Your Card: The Wheel of Fortune

Today invites you to break cycles. You’ll be presented with similar circumstances. How you respond lets the universe know if you’ll be engaging in another round of lessons or leveling up to the next chapter of your life. Decide wisely.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

It would help if you considered others today to accomplish your goals. Outsource rather than burn yourself out. Luckily, at least one person, likely multiple, is eager to work towards like-minded goals as a team or help lessen your load. You’ll go farther with support.


Your Card: The Chariot, Reversed

It’s time to slow your roll. While you may feel time is of the essence, you’re likely fueled with a false sense of urgency, which prevents actual sustainable success. Look at your surroundings. Observe and make decisions from a centered place. You don’t have to bulldoze to win.


Your Card: Seven of Cups, Reversed

You’re looking at life through a different lens today. You’ve likely felt indecisive, confused, or unsure how to proceed recently. Your tarot pull shows you’re carving down possibilities and ready to take action rather than waiting and letting anxiety breed. You can’t have it all at once, but you can eventually do it. Just start with one thing at a time.


Your Card: Ten of Cups

Virgo, today, you’re fueled with idealism. Feeling supported by your loved ones, community, or social connections soothes your soul. Celebrating love, relationships, and a sense of belonging is essential. Rose-colored glasses allow you to see everything through a cheery lens.


Your Card: Two of Swords, Reversed

You’ve recently felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, today, your challenge lessens. The blindfold is removed to show you all you’ve been missing or glazing over. The minor details that help you make important decisions are now as clear as day. Empowerment follows.


Your Card: Knight of Pentacles

Slow and steady wins the race. You may not be where you want to be, but look how far you’ve come. Maintaining professionalism, consistency, and maturity means you’re on the brink of a level-up.


Your Card: Eight of Swords, Reversed

You’re getting unstuck today. There’s no reason to hand your power away any longer. Getting back into the metaphorical driver’s seat, Sagittarius takes the wheel. Your destination is mental peace, healing, and clarity. Rather than downplaying your desires, you’re validating what you need to release to thrive.


Your Card: The Empress

Capricorn is feeling grounded, alluring, and thriving today. The Empress offers Venusian charm, gracing relationships with nurturing, reliable energy. Remember your worth, invest in who and what matters most, and you’ll find lots of happiness in how events pan out.


Your Card: Queen of Swords

Today, you’re feeling on your A-game. The Queen of Swords doesn’t back down from a challenge and thrives in settings that require intelligent problem-solving. Communication, assertiveness, and confidence in your discernment bring you to new conclusions.


Your Card: Page of Pentacles, Reversed

Your day requires an open mind. Although it may look like you’ve lost or failed at something on the surface level, you must reframe this temporary setback to succeed. You’ve likely begun working towards new goals out of your comfort zone and realm of experience. Have patience with yourself as you evolve and mature, and learn this valuable information firsthand.