Apollo, the God of Greek mythology

Apollo’s Tarot Cards Are Telling You To Trust Your Intuition

Apollo, the god of prophecy and foresight, was known for bestowing prophetic powers upon his oracles. Just as he had the gift of predicting the future, many tarot cards are related to Apollo directly. They may not allow you to see the future, but they can bring new intuitive meaning to your life when you receive them. 

The Magician

The Magician is a card that is directly connected to Apollo himself, thought to represent him specifically. When you receive this card, it means that you have complete control over yourself and your life. The Magician is a sign that you have achieved success; that you feel confident and powerful; that you have the tools you need to feel complete.

The Magician is seen by many as a card that can also be about manifesting. You have all you need to fulfill your ambitions, so now it is up to you to utilize your determination and manifest your truest desires. Apollo himself brings confidence, creativity, and complete truth in all things. He is often also related to the concept of purifying; if you have faced many obstacles lately and found growth and rebirth after them, Apollo may be guiding your way.

The Magician is a sign to trust your intuition and use your present skills to achieve your goals. The Magician appears when you are confident and on the right path; when your intuition is loud and clear, when you have an undoubted vision and the confidence to follow it completely.

The Chariot

If you have been facing many challenges lately but have conquered them all – or are devising new ways to solve the problems you’ve been faced with – then the Chariot may appear to you. This card is not directly related to Apollo like the Magician is, but it is thought by many to be one of Apollo’s cards because of the presence of the Chariot in both the Major Arcana and as the vehicle Apollo himself drives.

The Chariot represents inner strength. If you trust your intuition and allow it to guide you, you will overcome all of the challenges you face. You need only rely on your own wit and determination to succeed. Your gut feelings will lead the way in overcoming any obstacle you are presented with. Apollo’s confidence, spirit, and mastery connects to the Chariot when they both ask you to trust yourself and move forward according to what you feel is right.

The Sun

The Sun is another card that is often thought to be related to Apollo because he is associated with the Sun. Apollo brings with him all the qualities of the Sun, as does the Sun tarot card; it means high spirits, joy and playfulness, and success. It brings new life and new energy. The Sun may appear when you have been trusting your innermost thoughts and healing your subconscious mind; it tells you that you are on the right path. It may appear when you have achieved something recently or on the path to achieving a goal.

Like Apollo himself, the Sun asks you to celebrate yourself and your intuitive mind. It wants you to trust that you have the power to achieve your goals and bring yourself to a higher state of being; that you can succeed by following your own innate drive.