A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before December 26
Your card: King of Cups
Despite some drama or stress that might happen this week, you’ll find it easier than normal to balance your emotions. You’ve got the control to keep your sometimes spicy anger in check. And if you do feel like you need to cry you’ll be able to keep yourself in check so you don’t burst into tears at a family dinner. It’s a small triumph, but it’s something.
Your card: 9 of Cups
You’ll be feeling good this week. Everything feels like it’s working out for the best, which means you can just sit back, relax, and celebrate the good things. If you start to feel yourself dipping into pessimism, which is sometimes your downfall, take a step back and really assess. There are good things around you if you know where to look.
Your card: 5 of Pentacles
You know from personal experience that worrying does nothing but keep you firmly stuck in a fight or flight response. And yet, here you are spending the week worrying. Try not to get stuck in that lack mindset. Times might be tough, but agonizing about it isn’t going to make it better. (Easier said than done, I know.)
Your card: Queen of Wands
If there’s something you’ve been thinking of doing lately, like asking for a raise or texting your crush, now’s the right time. Courage is coursing through you way more than what you normally feel. Embrace that feeling of determination and passion to make your dreams come true. Even if things don’t go the way you wanted, you’ll still feel amazing for trying.
Your card: 7 of Cups
Is there something in your life that’s seemed too good to be true? You might be finding out the answer to that question this week. Do some digging to see if you can break through the illusion. I know it can be scary to learn that things aren’t as good as you thought, but you’ll be better off in the long run.
Your card: 9 of Wands
It’s probably felt like you’ve been going, going, going lately, but that unfortunately won’t be changing this week. You’ve got too much to do and no time to relax. It’ll just take some grit and determination not to crack from the pressure. If anyone can handle it, it’s you, Virgo. (And maybe you should schedule a massage or something for next week.)
Your card: Knight of Wands
Your confidence is through the roof this week. Say “yes” more this week and you’ll find yourself on tons of great and memorable adventures. Just don’t let your confidence border into over-confidence. Make sure what you’re doing isn’t dangerous or having lasting consequences. But with that in mind, you’re on track to have an epic week.
Your card: The Lovers
This card means balance and two forces working together, even if it’s coming from within. This week, you might end up having to make a choice, and your calm inner voice will best help you make the right one. Or, it could mean that you’re having an intensely romantic week, which is stellar as well.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
There are a lot of short-term problems you’ve needed to solve lately, like gearing up for the holiday season. This week, you’d do better focusing a bit of your attention on your long-term goals instead. You have an opportunity here to work on making things happen. It just takes perseverance and investing a little time into your future.
Your card: The High Priestess
Some truth in your life seems buried at the moment. Rather than agonizing about the mystery or the motives of people in your life, try listening to your intuition. What does your gut say about the problem? This week, your unconscious awareness has a much better idea of what’s going on than you might realize.
Your card: 7 of Wands
Things don’t always go as planned. It’s the bummer part of life, and you’ll unfortunately be feeling it this week. But something good you have at your disposal is your well of perseverance. Stand by your convictions and weather this less-than-ideal situation. Some might read you as defensive this week, but that’s their problem, not yours.
Your card: King of Wands
The creative streak you started last week continues. You’re feeling inspired, so don’t let that slip through your fingers without using it. Create something, collaborate with people, make your cool ideas happen. Your creativity is going to spill out onto others and inspire them to do cool things, too. Thank your charismatic self for that.